WT / JW Doctrine ,Satan cast out of Heaven in 1914 ? He has always had access to the earth ? Since Eve .

by smiddy3 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • smiddy3

    This doctrine / belief that Jehovah`s Witnesses have , surely raises a few questions that they do not address.

    1.This spirit being challenged God by questioning his authority and offering Eve an alternative making himself Satan.

    And this took place on earth ,the garden of Eden. So he who became Satan had access to the earth.

    2. All throughout the Old testament , the Hebrew Scriptures do we find examples of Satan interfering with Gods plan of things either by himself or his followers .

    3.Their are just too many examples to list individually ,however a few key ones would be , the Nephilim , Job when God in heaven asks him where he has been , and his reply , from roving about on the earth . , etc.etc.

    4.And of course in the New Testament , where Jesus is taken up into a mountain to be tempted by Satan for fourty days ?

    I digress here but why would Jesus the Son of God allow himself to be tempted for fourty days by an opposer of his heavenly father ?

    5.Now for the big question : Jehovah knew in Eden when Satan duped Eve into disobeying him , why was Satan allowed to go back and forth between Heaven and Earth according to JW/WT Chronology for 6000 years .

    from the deception of Eve until now 2019.

    6. So from all of the above ,whats the big deal about 1914 ? Nothing ,Satan has always had access to coming and going between heaven and earth since he duped eve.

    Just to reiterate ,

    And seeing Satan always had access to the earth why did God allow Satan back in Heaven after he rebelled against him with Eve for all of those years ?

    And confining him to the earth , where he has always had access to doesn`t seem like a big penalty to me .

    So thinking about all of the above i can`t see any significance about the year 1914 , its a non event .

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen
    All throughout the Old testament , the Hebrew Scriptures do we find examples of Satan interfering with Gods plan

    Apart from the story of Job, can you name one event in which Satan is explicitly mentioned as the evil doer in the OT? I don't think there are any that can be ascribed to Satan without reinterpretation given in the NT or in Watchtower literature (but I may be wrong). Apart from the book of Job, Satan doesn't seem to play ball in the OT. And why would he? Yahweh managed all the killing, maiming and raping just fine by himself.

    As for 1914 and Satan suddenly waking up: I guess he fell asleep before. After all Jdib had his long ass 7th creation day Sabbath, Jesus was sitting on his hands doing nothing until 1914, so why would Satan be all busy then?

    But yeah it doesn't make any sense at all.

  • dozy

    Not to mention that World War 1 , which is the event the Society especially refers to , actually started in July whereas Satan apparently only got kicked down to the earth on October 3rd / 4th.

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    Mostly the WT has made it a punishment for Satan to be confined to the earth in 1914. This also ties in with the belief that the world is getting worse because he's mad about it and so has increased his evil ways upon the earth. If you were to ask most witnesses, I believe this is the explanation they will give you of why the earth is the way it is now.

  • I believe in overlapping
    I believe in overlapping

    One Circuit Overseer described it to me like this;

    "It's like a cat who likes to go outside and hunt just for the heck of it, but likes to have the freedom to go back inside the house and enjoy the air-conditioning in the summer and warm in the winter.

    But if the householder ever kicks the cat out for good with no more access to the house, then the cat has to live outside in the cold winter and hot summer and no more eating canned cat food.

    I'm not agreeing, I'm just relating how the sheeple reason.

  • waton
    kicks xxxxx out for good with no more access to the house, then the "cat" has to live outside.

    ibiol: in other words no more Job-style confrontations since 1914, no more accusations of Jesus brothers there. Since the earth is physical, one wonders whether the likes of Musk or Bezos , Kennedy (RIP) are trying to open a way out, planting flags, encasing Mars in aerogel,

  • EverApostate

    It was a talking snake that deceived Eve. Not Satan. This has been manipulated and twisted to be Satan , because a talking snake story is too ridiculous and silly to Believe. If you still believe that Satan deceived eve, you are still under the crutches of a cult who made you believe what they wanted you to believe.

    See these verses from the Bible and read it with an open Mind. Where does it mention Satan here ? Portions in bold means a literal snake, which has been manipulated by cults and Christendom to be Satan

    Genesis 3:

    3 Now the serpent was the most cautious* of all the wild animals of the field that Jehovah God had made. So it said to the woman: “Did God really say that you must not eat from every tree of the garden?”b 2 At this the woman said to the serpent: “We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden.c 3 But God has said about the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden:d ‘You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it; otherwise you will die.’” 4 At this the serpent said to the woman: “You certainly will not die.e 5 For God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad

    13 Jehovah God then said to the woman: “What is this you have done?” The woman replied: “The serpent deceived me, so I ate

    14 Then Jehovah God said to the serpent: “Because you have done this, you are the cursed one out of all the domestic animals and out of all the wild animals of the field. On your belly you will go, and you will eat dust all the days of your life. 15 And I will put enmity*n between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring. He will crush* your head and you will strike* him in the heel.”

    Before joining this JW cult, I was taught in the Bible study that Satan used this Snake to make it appear to talk, as a Ventriloquist does. And my stupidity made me believe this nonsense and serve the cult for 11 years

    Also to answer you other point, yes the most Evil and powerful personality still has access to the earth.

    An Evil employee is fired from office – with no access to the environment- once he is found to be causing harm to others. Imperfect humans can accomplish this in a few hours.

    But the Almighty and most benevolent god still allows the most evil force in the Universe to harm humans and finally casts him out of heaven and confines him to the earth. And people still believe that God is love

  • APieceOfShitNamedTate

    Before joining this JW cult, I was taught in the Bible study that Satan used this Snake to make it appear to talk, as a Ventriloquist does. And my stupidity made me believe this nonsense and serve the cult for 11 years

    I was just thinking about how believable that story would actually be if the snake had been a bird. We've all heard various species of birds mimic human speech. If the Bible was truly from God, wouldn't he at least make sure that it's believable? And instead of a piece of fruit, what if Eve had been tempted with a cracker? And instead of her being named Eve, what if her name had been Polly? Then a bird could have tempted her by asking, "Polly want a cracker?"

    By the way, if anyone wants to see a beautiful depiction of Eve, Google "Pom Wonderful commercial Eve". I feel that it might be a little too much for this site, even though it's a regular commercial advertising pomegranate juice.

  • I believe in overlapping
    I believe in overlapping

    By the way, if anyone wants to see a beautiful depiction of Eve, Google "Pom Wonderful commercial Eve"

    I wanna be the snake!

  • redvip2000
    And confining him to the earth , where he has always had access to doesn`t seem like a big penalty to me .
    It's not, and if you put yourself in Satan's shoes, and you just finished questioning the ability for humans to be prosperous and happy without God, wouldn't you do all in your power to make sure mankind is happy and is living well? Only by doing this, would you be able to be proven right, and rub this in God's face.
    Questioning God and then shooting yourself on the foot by proving him right, makes no sense.

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