Dallas Texas 5 Police Officers dead & 6 wounded ?

by smiddy 51 Replies latest social current

  • blondie

    Of course, none of the police killed were the ones that killed a black person. I remember when working in the jail that a gang member said that his gang was going out and kill police in general....I said then you approve of the police going out and killing gang members in general not even trying to find the ones specifically guilty....he said that was wrong...I said that is what you are advocating.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Law enforcement has done probably the worst Public Relations with the average citizen as is possible. They prey on the average citizen. Their main purpose, especially in small municipalities and poor counties, is to produce revenue. This is exactly what led to the riots in Ferguson MO. Further, they have no accountability beyond an "Internal Affair" investigation, which amounts to other cops covering for the accused cops.

    The 2nd Amendment was the result of the Founders having the experience of living under an oppressive government. It was NOT about allowing a "militia" or army of the State. It was about arming the average citizenry to enable them to fight against tyranny. The politicians fear it, as they should, and thus we have an agenda in this country, supported by the liberal media, to demonize guns.

    Are there unfortunate consequences, such as when innocent persons are injured or killed by accident or when someone uses a weapon with an evil motive? Yes. It's also unfortunate that over 30,000 persons die as the result of automobile accidents or when someone gets behind the wheel drunk. Yet, I do not want the Government to ban all vehicles from the roadway except the vehicles they control.


  • jws

    Freemind fade wrote:

    The violence in this country is the same or less than before, their are more cameras now though.
    And the media is feeding a fire. There is no easy solution.

    Yes, media is a problem - for the cops. All those years, people have been saying the cops have been unfair to us and people thought they were lying criminals and always leaned towards the cops.

    Now we can see how absolutely despicable some of these cops are. Turns out the public wasn't lying after all. And now the cops are getting caught on film. And they HATE it. There have been stories of police associations fighting against body cams. Why? Unless you've got something to hide, why be against it?

  • redvip2000

    Being a cop is beyond dangerous.....which doesn't justify the open murder of blacks.

    I think it's not fair to call this "open murder of blacks", this makes it seem as if these cops just walked up to them on the street and shot them for no reason. In all of these cases we've seen, the "suspects" do something that warrants the engagement of the police, which in turn probably responds in a way that is not in proportion to the offense.

    Now, for me the real issue is the fact that for many years, the police in the US have enjoyed fairly loose engagement rules under the guise of protecting their own safety. How many times have we seen 1 man standing on the street with a knife on this hand, while 7 or 8 police surround him with guns? If he does not drop the knife within a few seconds, he is shot. Why not recognize the overwhelming advantage that 8 men with guns have versus one man with a knife that is simply not complying for reasons that are not clear, and resort to a different tactic? How many times has it happen where a cop will shoot someone because he is "reaching for something", which the police thought MIGHT be a gun?

    This is unacceptable, but this is a problem that starts with training. Cops in the US are trained with a basis on engagement rules that state that as long as they have reasonable fear that their lives might be in danger, they can use deadly force. This subjectivity and all the details that surrounds it, is left up to their discretion.

    Often times, officers are too willing to shoot first and ask question later. To illustrate, if a cop orders a man to stop and puts his hands up, and the man instead reaches for this wallet, he will likely get shot. Why? Again unacceptable. The guidelines should be that the cop gives the benefit of the doubt to the citizen, and waits to see if a gun is actually a gun. If a cop already knows that a suspect has a gun in his pocket, he still needs to give the benefit of the doubt that the person does not intent to use it, until it's clear that he does.

    Yes this means that the chances of a cop getting shot will be greater, than using the "Shoot first, ask questions later" method, but police officers are not supposed to have a safe job. This is what you sign up for when you enlist - a job with a high probability of not coming home. If you can't live with this level of danger, then why not opt to be a plumber or a school teacher instead?

  • freemindfade

    I don't like cops, there are good cops, criminal cops (if you ever lived in nyc you know what I am talking about, racist cops, and A TON of asshole cops. Its unfortunate, but there are lots of bad apples in there. There is not a damn thing i can do about it, they don't represent my views, and I don't think its right to kill police.

    The authorities should make a clear example of those that have acted improperly. swiftly and publicly, otherwise this just goes on and on.

  • Sanchy

    Common sense shows there are issues that need attention on BOTH sides of the equation. Sadly, the politically correct world we live in now prevents that from happening.

    The cops that shot those two black guys messed up badly and they need to suffer the consequences of their terrible decision making that lead to the unnecessary loss of life. They will have their day with the law.

    However, again, common sense will show that there is also a problem within the lower class minority culture, specially poor black culture, a problem of violence, disrespect, and lack of self control. This has nothing to do with race and much to do with culture. The one common factor in most of these police killings is that they were resisting arrest. Most of these black guys that have been killed are no saints.

    Take Michael Brown for instance. This young man was portrayed by the media to be a "gentle giant", a young innocent kid that got viciously murdered by an evil white cop, shot in the back while he had his hands up. That was shown to be a load of bullshit. The guy had just robbed a store and was evidently trying fight and even kill the cop. Could the cop have handled it differently? Maybe tazzed him or shoot him in the legs? Perhaps. But Mr.Brown could have also acted differently. Had he demonstrated some respect for authority, he'd probably be alive right now. Sadly, most people now believe he was shot in the back while his hands were in the air.

    The police community needs to get it's act together and train itself better to handle critical spur-of-the-moment situations. The black community needs to get its act together and realize there are significant problems within its culture of violence and disrespect for authority. There are problems in both sides. We can't fix the situation until we acknowledge these issues.

    Killing cops is not the answer. At least not in Dallas. There have been some bad cases in Dallas, but the 2 that sparked it weren't here. They weren't to blame. Don't shoot any old cop just because some are bad. But I understand your frustration.

    Do you realize what you are saying here jws? So killing cops might be the answer elsewhere out of Dallas?

    You understand the frustration that these murderers have? Murderers are murderers, whether they are cops, blacks, whites, yellow, rich, poor or other. These guys have no justification and to sympathize with them is to become complicit with what's wrong in our society.

    Look at Trayvon Martin. A kid playing with a toy gun.

    I'm guessing you mean Tamir Rice.

  • jacobm

    Why would anyone assume these criminal gunmen, who shot the cops, got these guns legally?

    Why would anyone think that, if guns were outlawed for citizens, that events like this would not happen? The Boston Bombers used a pressure cooker. Should we ban pressure cookers?

  • Crazyguy

    Cops in the USA are not trained properly how to defuse situation and kill people way to much. Even thier training in shooting people and thier weapons bullets are to kill not to injure. It's a shoot first mentality. The whole system here needs to be changed and cops retrained and the system turned upside down to start over. Cops in Europe don't kill people like this not even close!

  • redvip2000

    However, again, common sense will show that there is also a problem within the lower class minority culture, specially poor black culture, a problem of violence, disrespect, and lack of self control. This has nothing to do with race and much to do with culture. The one common factor in most of these police killings is that they were resisting arrest. Most of these black guys that have been killed are no saints.

    I agree, there is something to be said on that angle. It's disingenuous to think of these black men that have been involved in these cases, are completely without wrong doing. These are generally individuals who are choosing to put themselves in a situation where they will prompt a response from the police. When you walk down the street brandishing a knife, or you pull a gun on a homeless guy to threaten him, or you are stopped by the police for a minor traffic violation, and tell the cop that you have a gun and then reach for you wallet - none of these things lead to anything good.

    Any of these foolish things means that you are now putting your life in the hands of a person in a uniform and that you are completely trusting that he/she will make the perfect judgment call, when often times this perfect judgement call never comes.

    This of course, by no means lessens the responsibility of the police, but there is valid argument on the path towards confrontation that these individuals typically choose to take.

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