How Many of Jehovah’s Witnesses Are There Worldwide? FAQ Are You A Jehovah's Witness in REALITY

by Longlivetherenegades 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Biahi

    Yes, they made some announcement about her, not certain if they used the actual word ‘disfellowshipped’, but they made an announcement from the platform that the congregation should shun her as bad association. And she was out, at 15.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    /\ /\ oh--i bit like me then. It was stated that as i wasnt a jw ( i had resigned years earlier )--i couldnt be d/f--but i was an apostate and should be treated as if d/f. Fine by me--exactly what i wanted. That was in 1981.

    "bad association" hadnt been invented back then.

  • ThomasMore

    As to how manyJWs there really are now - consider this:

    • KHs have been sold on a scale never seen before. according to reports
    • Congregations have been dissolved and consolidated to adjust for low attendance
    • Some cities have reduced congregations by more than 50%
    • The UK has seen the greatest reduction of congregations on record
    • Reports from R&F say that meeting in person attendance averageds 35-50%
    • Faders in the 16-35 range are off the charts
    • Elderly are passing away rapidly and many are confined to home due to health
    • Childbirth among JWs seems to be down (this is anecdotal) and even born-ins are leaving in record numbers as teenagers
    • New JWs coming in are almost unheard of
    • DFing has been expanded so that ANY undesirables can be kicked out
    • Shunning is regularly encouraged in the WT and at meetings

    I suspect that the real number of members is closer to 4.5 million. WTC will never admit this as they massage the numbers to justify 8.5 million. Admitting the truth would result in further shrinkage.

  • carla

    I once asked a jw if I could get baptized just so I could then be df'd just so they would leave me alone! they didn't go for it.

  • Vidiot

    @ ThomasMore

    Jeezus, you’d almost think they wanted people to bugger off.

  • Vidiot

    Maybe at one point, their lawyers advised them that they might be able to stay solvent if they “managed the decline” by deliberately reducing product output, liquidating assets, and pruning the rank-and-file down to a more manageable level (i.e. just die-hard loyalists)

  • blondie

    Who is a jw in reality? Well, since every jw seems to have their own answer/opinion about who is a real jw, it would be hard to pin down.

  • LongHairGal


    Right on the money!.. As an observer, I also suspect their real number is half of what they claim.

    With regard to halls being sold: this is almost like a game of musical chairs for ‘faithful’ JWs. But in the game of musical chairs it is a chair that’s taken away when the music stops and somebody is left standing. In this hypothetical game, it’s a hall somewhere that is sold and JWs have a mad scramble to go somewhere else. It makes me wonder if it will get to a point that either they are all sold or the nearest one so far away they can’t get to it. In which case the JWs would be left ‘standing’ or abandoned. Not saying this is going to happen but it makes me wonder.

    With regard to the elderly passing away rapidly this is true. Unfortunately for the religion, they are the old faithful that they will never see the like of again. Also, they contributed the most to the religion (and useless KH renovations). They were the ones most likely to reach into their pockets to give money to broke pioneers. I often wondered if there was a little guilt there because they pushed poverty/pioneering (even though THEY lived comfortably).. It was these older ones who tried to get ME to quit my job.. Thank God I didn’t listen.

    In my opinion, I think things in congregations will never be the same once they’re gone!

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