Science and Watchtower's astounding ignorance

by Diogenesister 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FedUpJW

    And this quote from one of those pro Jay-Dub sites from some Nigerian calling himself Chuka was indicative of how brain dead the Jay-Dubs are. ""Some study bacteria or insects, which is wonderful if you like insects. It may increase knowledge but it doesn't necessarily help anyone."

    Damn I am glad SOMEONE studied bacteria. Imagine if everyone years ago had bought into the willful ignorance of WT and ignored the study of bacteria and the effects some can have on human health! Sorry b--tards!

  • Diogenesister

    Thanks for the tip Slidin’Fast

    and YES Stan I am glad they continue to make these vids. Shows them up for the buffoons they are.

  • smiddy3

    I`m with stan livedeath with this one ,keep these videos coming WT/JW , science and technology go hand in hand and if it wasn`t for science he wouldn`t be able to be a part of this video and have it shown all around the world in all of the congregations .

    The more stupidity they come out with in video and print the less people will join them .

    And those that do will only be the uneducated and foolish people of the world .

    Which will not sustain the WTB&TS in the long run.

    Now That`s Good News.

  • smiddy3

    He`s wearing glasses isn`t he ? To help him see better ?And read whats in front of him ?

    He couldn`t do that without the aid of science and technology could he.?

    I glanced at at a few other things in that video ,where it was emphasised how the brothers and sisters were an encouragement to keep faithful in trials and under pressure and that they were relying on each other to do just that ?

    And I thought where is Jehovah ? isn`t he supposed to be protecting his servants now especially since Jesus Christ has been ruling in the heavens since 1914 ?

    What are those two doing up in heaven ? playing tiddillywinks ? while their faithful believers suffer ?

  • Xanthippe

    Lancelink, you should definitely tell your college what these idiots believe about education. It's going against the values of the college to have a trolley outside it regularly.

  • Vidiot

    It's a fundamental irony that the WTS probably wouldn't be able to survive to diss everything about the modern world without actually relying on almost every aspect of said modern world.


  • jwleaks
    smiddy3 - What are those two doing up in heaven ? playing tiddillywinks ? while their faithful believers suffer ?

    More likely deleting Watch Tower’s child abuse records from their cloud server.

  • slimboyfat

    This clip is in fact so bad I almost wonder if Watchtower might remove it at some point.

    Is there any precedent for that I wonder?

    Surely it’s drawn complaints, even from loyal JWs, or they will reflect on it themselves.

    It’s truly embarrassing, as it is revealing of Sanderson’s limited intellectual horizon, and rather mean perspective on other human beings.

    And I thought he was meant to be one of the NWT “scholars” too. Maybe not even that.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    The start of the video mentions Gilead graduates have spent months studying the bible in depth.

    Has anyone on the forum been to Gilead or have any idea what this 'in depth' study consists of?

  • dozy

    I could only watch the first couple of minutes , but the audience laughter that greeted his throw away comment "if you like insects" depressed me. It reminded me of the rare occasions when the GB would come to our convention and how they were applauded when their name was announced before their talks as they arrived at the rostrum.

    It just reinforces the egos of these rather pathetic , deluded individuals.

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