So Thankful

by BeautifulMind 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BeautifulMind

    I was just sitting here on this beautiful Saturday afternoon thinking about how thankful I am that I left the jws. Do I wish I had woke up and left sooner, sure. But I'm definitely happy that I'm out period, and for so many reasons but I just will share a few. Me and my husband can actually be ourselves with each other without all the cult personality stuff in the mix. We started as really good friends and continue to be. But it's so cool to be free to be us, not hold back.

    I'm also thankful that we left in time so that my sweet little boys - ages 4 & 2, won't have to grow up in it. They will have choices and not be forced to be clones of us or anyone else. I mean, my parents thought they were doing the right thing. But they were very extreme when it came the jws. No sports, no dances. Telling all our teachers at the beginning of the school year that we were jws so we could not stand for the flag or participate in anything remotely related to holiday activities - embarrassing! Not to mention no college (I went anyway), and various other extreme controlling measures.

    But I'm mostly thankful for the peace of mind I now have. Accepting that life is not always easy and bad things happen NOT as a result of "satan's system" but because life just sucks sometimes! But it's also very beautiful too and I intend to enjoy it.

    No more guilt, no more fear. It feels great😉

  • LaurenM
    I love this! Bravo. And you're lucky to have a husband too. It's scary getting out of a cult by yourself. But definitely worth it.
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Jesus Effing Christ! We build a snazzy website with stunning videos and the smart ones are still leaving Watchtower in droves!"

  • stuckinarut2

    Great thread!

    Yes, to let go of FOG (Fear, Obligation, Guilt) is a refreshing thing to do!

    Enjoy life with those who truly love you!

  • fleshyheadedmutant

    OK so it's Sunday now where i live but i second the sentiment. I get a bit nauseous just thinking about getting dressed up and going to a KHall, sitting through a self-righteous talk, and dying to get home to eat because I am starving or worse yet-going out in serve-us for an hour before going home.

    Instead, I will sit outside on a beautiful day, and have a conversation with hubbie.

  • eyeuse2badub

    It's sort of nice how that works. I mean having time to really enjoy life. No more "busy work" like, getting ready for meetings, studying for meetings, going to the meetings, field serve-us, preparing for field serve-us, days of going to assemblies and conventions, giving talks or other meeting parts, hours of preparing talks or other meeting parts, weeks of kh building, hours kh cleaning, hosting speakers, etc.

    Having time for family, leisure, hobbies, and passions is invaluable. Yep, So thankful!

    just saying!


  • Tricked
    The burdens of the meetings, service, studying etc, etc are immense. Yet, they always talked of the KH as being a Spiritual Paradise. I was always so anxious even at the thought of going to meetings. I would often have to fight the response to run away as I approached the KH door and force myself to go in. Sitting through the meetings became more torturous because of these talks that would reinforce how ridiculous my feelings were. I realise now that just because they said and felt it was a Paradise doesn't mean it was. I'm glad I started listening to my gut and not try and choke down their propaganda. I feel so much better and thankful to start living my life on my terms again.
  • brandnew
    Time wasted, is lessons what not to do anymore.
  • LongHairGal


    What a wonderful story! You are a whole family that escaped the JW religion pretty much intact. Too bad others are not as fortunate! Good luck on your life journey!


    Yes, all the smart ones are leaving in droves! Glad I'm out of there. But, some other smart ones are trapped there, sadly.


    Thanks for reminding me about all that useless "busy work" treadmill the JW religion had everybody doing.

    But, I confess, I hardly did a fraction of the reading they wanted because it was too much as far as I was concerned! The religion was not in reality about those of us who WORKED for a living. Which just goes to show they are not, and never WERE, useful productive citizens!

    You were expected to read their publications morning, noon and night! Were they kidding?!!

    If there was an interesting article in the "rags", I may have read it. I read the daily text most times and I did some bible reading (but not all). Some of the bible books did not interest me.

    I am convinced the religion wanted to keep everybody busy on this treadmill in order to keep them from thinking or doing anything else. What proves my point::...

    My "bible study teacher" told me "it keeps you from getting into trouble" when I protested about all the research we were told to do....I know I turned out to be a disappointment in this person's eyes, especially since I refused to quit my full-time job.

    I'm glad I followed my instincts and let things go in one ear and out the other.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    Just enjoy your life, the only one that you get. Without the F.O.G.

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