What’s your favorite "News" website?

by Wonderment 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Its all online, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, U.S. News, Politico, Yahoo news feed among others. Just call me lefty.

  • smiddy3

    News reporting today is all about entertainment and sensationalism and ratings.

    I look at different sources and make up my own mind or not

  • Phizzy

    Here in the U.K the MSM is ether owned by Right Wing pro Tory interests, or, like the BBC is run by pro Tory people. We do not get a true picture unless we look for small alternative News Companies, these too, of course have an Agenda.

    The Truth may be "out there" but it is damn difficult to bring it in to the light of day, those who control the MSM here make sure there is a constant fog of misleading news, and half-stories, as well as many untruths reported as fact.

  • freddo

    The BBC is my general go to site/news channel. I like Channel 4 sometimes too. Generally I'm story led rather than channel led inasmuch as if something is of deep interest then I will look at several sites for information.

    It makes me smile when I hear comments about the BBC having a political bias. Anecdotally I hear far more accusations it has a left wing bias than being "run by pro Tory people."

    I believe the BBC it is as good as you are going to get for accuracy. At least there are no advertisers to keep sweet.

  • minimus

    Drudge Report and Fox and Breitbart

  • scratchme1010

    News in general are supposed to be unbiased. But given how commercial and political interests get their tentacles around them, finding a fully unbiased news website is not so easy.

    Here in America some would rather trust BBC or Reuters than they do CNN or Fox news. What’s your take? Any favorites?

    I see most-to-all news venues in America having a lot of bias. However, what I think it's the problem is not how news are delivered. Americans are very complacent about listening only to what they like hearing about. They only see bias and "fake news" when they hear something that challenge their believes.

    I don't fully trust any source of news, especially in American media. I am very good at noticing bias, even when it is towards things that I like, believe and stand for.

  • blownaway

    Today you have to look at several news sites and make up your mind. If anyone relies on one news agency I think they will get a skewed to one deg or another on some issues. If I had to pick one it would be Fox. I know it leans right but I agree with many right wing issues. Boarders, immigration, guns, and more. The one place I agree with liberals is in health care. In the US we need a national health care system. Not because its the best thing ever but its the lest bad of bad solutions. Most Conservatives who say no way will kill you if you try to take away their Medicare when its available to them. But even so, the liberals making open boarders, taking in every tom dick and susie who say sanctuary is not sustainable. They are just crazy on so many levels.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    BBC (TV news program) & The Spectator (right-leaning newspaper) are my favourites.

    But I read lots of other media outlets - Huff Post & The Guardian (good for a laugh!), Standpoint Magazine, Breitbart ... when you do this, you notice the biases of all the different news outlets.

    For instance, an article about a Black British person affected by the Windrush scandal will be splashed all over the front pages of The Guardian, pages 2 to 4 plus the cover page; the same story will be given one paragraph on page 15 of The Daily Express.

    Or there was a terrible account of Syrian terrorists capturing and beheading a 12 year old Palestinian boy in Idlib because they suspected the boy of spying for Assad. This was given prominence in The Daily Mail and Breitbart but The Guardian ignored the story entirely!

    finding a fully unbiased news website is not so easy - in fact, it's virtually impossible.

    All media outlets are biased. Most are 'left-liberal' leaning.

    It's our job to read a wide range of outlets, check sources and separate the wheat from the chaff.

  • blownaway

    The left wing news here in the US has done its own damage. From Hands up don't shoot that never happened, to the bashing of police with the BLM BS. They hide what they do not like and trumpet or even make up what they want to be true. Its not news. We used to call it oped. Where an opinion was given on an issue. Now that is all you get. MSNBC is nothing but anti Trump. They are so anti Trump on that station I can not watch. I used to watch a bit Morning joke, but now him and Mika the pigeon sisters are nothing but a bunch of giggling condescending idiots. Scarborough was never a real conservative. He always talks about his days as as a REP, but its like some old high school foot ball player telling you over and over again year after year about that touch down he made. Now he is some how the moral conscience of us all even though he and Mika were doing the dirty in the MSNBC broom closet and left their spouses and children.

  • Brokeback Watchtower

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