exposed 3 jw's in front of my jw dad

by JunkYardDog 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • GoneAwol

    Actually, I quite like that idea of introducing yourself as a `watchtower historian`. They wont know what to do, run or be intrigued!

    Its got to be better than saying ex - jw, or mentally diseased apostate...



    The Most Interesting Ex JW..


    Image result for the most interesting man in the world

  • StephaneLaliberte

    To be honest with you, I could not imagine doing this in front of my father (also still a JW) and even brag to him about it. He would feel humiliated and that would be the last thing I would want.

    I try to keep a good level of respect between us. For instance, I don't even bring up JW stuff to my kids as they are to young to understand things like that... they see black and white and would end up thinking less of their grand parents. I don't want that.

    On the other hand, if I was alone, where I am unknown, I would dream about something like you did. Some day, over the rainbow... :)

  • LongHairGal

    Depending on the circumstances and my mood, I could see myself doing that.

    I'd like to particularly rub in Witnesses' faces that I'm retired and glad I never listened to any nonsense about quitting my job. I would also mention about the scandals in the news about the religion. That should be enough to get the cowards to run away!

  • Saename

    "Hello there! We are volunteers in the area, and we've been talking to people in this neighbourhood about God's Word, the Bible."

    "Oh, you want to talk about the Bible?"

    "Yes, sir."

    "Ok. What would you like to know?"


  • scratchme1010

    My father is in a very weak health state. That's the only reason why I wouldn't do that in front of him, you know, being decent human being and all. However, had he been in better shape, I'd actually be looking for the opportunity to do that.

    Don't know about your father, JunkYardDog, but mine was the typical born-again weirdo fanatic.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    A great idea, print a few pamphlets heading " WT Historian" and give it to the Cart

    workers... LOL

  • rebel8

    oops, sorry junkyard, I fat fingered it--accidentally clicked dislike.

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