Org. Re-orging in JAPAN

by JWD 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • Moxy

    hi jwd. just catching up on this thread after a hiatus.

    when i toured ebina last year, we didnt even get to see the residence at all. i wouldve liked to. we felt rushed thru and only got to see some interesting stuff because we knew someone there. he showed us the AV room and some of the grounds where they take some of the 'paradise' photos apparently. nice stuff.

    im also curious about some of these references you've mentioned. in particular the KM about pre-JW professionals. could i see the text for that please? japanese is fine. i assume the elders letter is one that you cannot obtain. how did you come by this information and are you sure that the DF situation being discussed was NOT that of masturbation during an encounter on the internet with another PERSON? that is the situation worldwide to the best of my knowledge as of a few years ago and i assume that perhaps the version you heard or came across had gotten altered a bit for whatever reason.


  • Sunnygal41

    Hi sound surprised about the "different" blood card for Japan. I remember when I went to NY Bethel for a tour how they highlighted the "different" magazine covers and articles that they would use in "racially sensitive" areas for instance....and some other instances, like literature for Russia, etc. So, that does not surprise me at all! : - ) I also remember feeling taken aback when I first came across this stuff, because they tout so loudly about our supposed "unity". I remember also hearing about the segregation in KH's in US south, during racially sensitive time's like during the 60's. Also, missionary friends of mine in I forget what country talked about how the brothers and sisters who were married couldn't/wouldn't sit together because of local custom and how until he pointed out to them this wasn't correct, none of the local elders "got it" that according to the "bible" men and women have equal rights! : - 0 Duh!!


  • Mulan

    That reminds me of my surprise when I found out the world wide organization wasn't really united. We were in Poland in 1989, as special delegates for the conventions there. Very fun!! We visited a local congregation, where they mentioned the distribution of the magazines for a contribution. I asked if they ask for money, and they still did. It was the first time I realized that the U.S. was the only place where the voluntary donation arrangment existed.

  • Roamingfeline

    That's strange, Mulan. The voluntary donation change didn't come about in the USA until the early 90's. How did you know about it in 1989? I'm curious!


  • JWD


    As far as the Ebina Tour,it`s possible that they are tightening up
    lately and aren`t as open as things used to be.There is a marked
    increase in `Apostate Phobia` lately.Particularily since 1994.That
    was the first year they came out with some specific instrustions on
    how to avoid the apostate`s `traps` in the Kingdom Ministry. Since
    that time the `warnings` in the KM and at meetings have become more
    frequent and more specific. Supposedly it`s policy all over Japan,
    but young brothers with cameras were stationed near the door of the
    KH during meetings to `catch` any apostate `attack` on film. I`m
    not sure whether or not that practice is continuing,or was just for
    a period of time.

    As far as `Letters to the Elders`, I have some,but don`t have a copy
    of the one I refered to previously. I have the majority of the KM for
    the past 15 years in Japanese. I could get them to you by,say snail

    The `donation` arrangement came into place here in Japan at the same
    time as the U.S. Naturally, it was announced as a policy to help make
    the TRUTH more readily available rather than a tax evasion move. The
    result has been damaging for WT finances here.Newer JWs tedn to think
    in terms of things being `FREE` and overall donations are down.I would say an average donation monthly total for a congregation of 40 (the average size here) is only about $1,600 or $1,700.That is not
    enough to even pay the rent in most areas.So, it`s not uncommon for
    2,3,4 or in extreme cases 8 congregations to use the same hall and
    stagger their meeting times. The upshot recently has been a move to
    combine non-growth congregations and give up the lease on rented KHs.

    For years, the Philippines still had the old arrangement of charging
    set fees for WT publications. The reasoning there was , `They`d
    appreciate it more if they paid for it`. (Reality is no tax law
    problem). I haven`t heard whether or not the policy was changed


  • hippikon

    Re Philippines.

    The literature is free but not without a donation so its not free. Very reluctant to give away literature.

  • Stephanus

    The bastards have started taking whatever you give them without giving any change! Before the new donation arrangement came in here in OZ (pre GST, of course!), each mag was 40c. I gave a guy a dollar for two a few weeks ago and he kept it all. Annoying, unless the price (er - suggested donation) has gone up! I'll thump the next one who tries that.

  • Kismet


    Hey I was there too...which convention did you attend? Warsaw,Poznan or Krakow?


  • JWD

    The Japanese June Kingdom Ministry had a banner with the words
    `Stand Firm,Stand Firm,Stand Firm` repeated 3 times accross it.
    The short article under the banner refered to the Nazi`s persecution
    and tried to parallel it to what modern JWs are experiencing.
    It seems that using the `victim card` has increased as the numbers
    continue to drop.

    Is the `Stand Firm` exhibit used in other countries? For about a year
    the WT carted the supposedly historical exhibit to various public
    community centers around Japan.


  • fodeja
    Is the `Stand Firm` exhibit used in other countries?

    It has been used very extensively in Germany and Austria in the past couple of years (probably in Switzerland and other countries too). Didn't get a lot of public attention, though.

    AFAIK they're now extending the "Stand Firm" theme to the JWs' situation in the former GDR. It seems they are doing this to support their legal struggle in becoming a state-recognized religion in Germany (which means tax benefits).

    Thanks for your regular reports from Japan, very interesting indeed!


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