Org. Re-orging in JAPAN

by JWD 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWD

    Here in Japan when the WT builds KHs they call the meeting room a
    `sanctuary` (church terminology). When presenting documents to the
    government `elders` are called `pastors`. I have run accross cases
    where sisters in FS tell the householder that they are preaching
    `kirisutokyo` (Christianity) and hide the fact that they are Jehovahs
    Witnesses. One study continued for nearly a year never knowing that
    she was studying with the Jehovah`s Witnesses.

    In recent years as they have gotten a worse reputation here in
    Japan it seems the deception has gotten more extreme. Another
    example of `Theocratic War Stategy...?` or just more lying? JWD

  • JWD


    Good one about the myth/moth , hah! At least 25 years in the `cave`
    didn`t take away your humor. Now the trick is to make those 25 yrs.
    useful helping others out of the cave.

    By the way, is the 41, your age(?). I`m 41... and still jogging.
    (Call it male-menopause)


  • Sunnygal41

    Hi J---actually my ex when he switched the account from his name to mine when we separated used that (I think personally that was rather mean spirited of him : - ) not that I have a problem with age anyways...actually let's see I'm.....43 going on 44 now! Yes, my sense of humor has always been my salvation through many JW moments. So, are you in or out? I'm out...disfellowhipped...did I mention that? I wanted to leave anyways....almost let them DF me by default, but I didn't want them construing my no show as an act of cowardice...ya know sort of "puff your chest up and take it like a good publisher type of mentality" LOL! Male menopause....ahhh a man in touch with his "feminine, "yin" side". Good for you! LOL! And here I thought male menopause was a myth (dont' worry I won't use it twice) : - )


  • JWD

    I`m out, but still have a fair number of contacts in.Kind of in a
    unique position. Sorry, can`t go into in details about that.But,
    I think I have a pretty good grasp on what`s happening in the org.
    here in Japan.


  • JWD

    I believe some parts of the Kingdom Ministry are the same all over the
    world and other parts are different, but I thought I`d highlight a
    few things from the Japanese KM.

    The front page has a the standard plug for continuing to go out in
    field service.It is a typical case of poor Japanese sentence
    structure with round about stiff sentences stressing that if a
    person continues going door-to-door he will `experience great joy.`
    The obvious point is that people are slacking up on FS.That is
    confirmed on the next page which shows a further drop in publishers,
    time,baptisms and pioneers.(On page 540 of the Proclaimers book it
    refers to the number of pioneers in Japan.It states there were
    75,956 total, 40% of all publishers. The figure in this months
    Kingdom Ministry is Special Pioneers 550, Regular 59,672 and
    `Vacation` 9,267 for a total of 69,489.That`s a drop of 6,467
    pioneers in the last 9 years)

    The next article talks about reaching deaf people.The WT here has
    traditionally had very little time for people with any type of
    handicap.It probably is indicative of the fact that very few people
    are listening to them these days.

    The number of baptisms for the month is a mere 173.At that rate the
    annual total will undoubtedly be below the already record low of the
    previous year.

    The KM includes an insert encouraging young people to come and work
    at `Ebina Bethel`(the Japanese headquarters).It includes some interesting statements. For example they say they are looking for
    certain professionals (i.e.dentists,doctors,accountants,etc.)but then
    make a point of adding that this doesn`t mean they are encouraging
    anyone to spend time studying to become a professional!! Rather,they
    are looking for people who had already obtained a profession BEFORE
    entering the TRUTH. Talk about twisted reasoning...! To impress the
    point the insert goes on to say `Which will you choose,success in the
    world or full-time service for Jehovah?` I wonder what the correct
    answer is to that question...? Duh.

    The insert also talks about the moral qualifications of a young
    person coming to work at Bethel.They make a point of saying that
    he must be a person who doesn`t look at pornography on the INTERNET
    or masturbate. It goes on to say that if he is struggling in those
    areas he can go and `CONFESS TO THE ELDERS`. (I guess the new elder
    `priest` arrangement is universal).

    Well, that`s the latest from Japan. JWD

  • chasson

    >but then
    make a point of adding that this doesn`t mean they are encouraging
    anyone to spend time studying to become a professional!! Rather,they
    are looking for people who had already obtained a profession BEFORE
    entering the TRUTH.

    In France on the contrary, young are allowed to make studies in
    thinking that it will heplful for the kingdow's work. Example: Learn
    informatic to be helpful for the computer of the Bethel.

    "The insert also talks about the moral qualifications of a young
    person coming to work at Bethel.They make a point of saying that
    he must be a person who doesn`t look at pornography on the INTERNET
    or masturbate. It goes on to say that if he is struggling in those
    areas he can go and `CONFESS TO THE ELDERS`. (I guess the new elder
    `priest` arrangement is universal)."

    I think that a direct explanation like that could be shoking in
    France. "Don't masturbate if you want to go to the Bethel" was never
    explained in the French's KM.



  • JWD

    A recent `Letter to the Elders` contained a directive stating that
    `Any brother found masturbating while viewing pornography on the
    INTERNET, is guilty of a disfellowshipping offence`. It`s seems like
    a very odd directive indeed. The inference is that it is only a df-ing
    offence if the porno is viewed VIA THE INTERNET(?).What about magazines or videos? They`ve been around for many years, but there
    has never been a similar policy directed specifically at other sources of pornography.

    Makes a person suspect the real focus isn`t on what`s viewed or done, rather it`s a scare tactic to keep bros. from using the internet.

    The other question that comes to mind is `who`s going to turn
    someone in to the elders in a case like that?`


  • outnfree


    Great thread!

    I'm very interested in this blood card with choices.
    Any chance you could scan it (maybe white out any personal references to that sister?) and translate what the "choices" are into English for us here on the board?


  • JWD

    I don`t have a scanner, but I can translate the content into English
    and write it down (tomorrow,it`s the middle of the night here!).

    Do you mean to tell me that it isn`t the same all over the world?
    Is it possible that they made one specifically for Japan?


  • Maximus

    ::Do you mean to tell me that it isn`t the same all over the world?
    Is it possible that they made one specifically for Japan?

    One of the problems the Society has to deal with is its change from an older policy of universality. In the U.S., state law dictated how sex offenders were dealt with in "official" reporting, which practice is coming back to haunt them.

    I have no personal knowledge about this specific form, but I'm reasonably sure you will find that "adjustments" were made to make things more palatable locally, especially in view of Human and Universal Rights issues. Like the Bulgarian problem, which also will continue to bite them. Data Protection is another problem. Keep your eye on these areas.

    Please let me express my warm appreciation for your considerable insight into Japan. I've learned a lot that I did not previously, from old friends there who spouted the party line.

    In a conversation shortly before his death, Nathan Knorr told me that he was sure of one thing. And that this started with him years ago in Cedar Point: Advertise, Advertise, Advertise. He then expressed enormous pride in Lloyd Barry and what he had done with Japan, as the flagship model for the rest of the world. The old boy must be turning over in his grave. Whoever was on the desk in the old President's now Executive Office must have caught hell bigtime over the first negative indications there.


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