pictures for or of pimos

by waton 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • waton

    A picture so embarrassing, even wtBtS inc does not want to describe it? This week's study, No 52, March 1 2020 wt dec 1919

    Picture description (on page 27) for pages 23 and 26 but not for the one on page 24, too embarrassing? anti-biblical?

    picture it, page 24. The wt lady, with a head volume ~8 times that of the gentlemen sitting behind her, eager to have her voice boom in the kingdom hall, raising arms with 3 other "sisters", whereas all 4 males are abstaining.

    Males 100% Pimo? ladies still 80% deluded?

    suggested bible reading: 1 Co 14, 1 Tim. 2,

    A picture is worth a 1000 words, a picture analyzed to the second power.


    8. What challenges did you face with your mate, and what did your loving husband do?

    Watchtower Conductor: Sister '' I married at 16 because of raging hormones and couldn't wait to leave home'' Smith

    Sister Smith...'' There were many times I had suspicions that my husband was a little too feminine. One day I came early from work and found my husband lounging on the couch wearing my panties and bra. We both wept! With family studies and many tearful prayers, Jehovah has made our marriage more meaningful. It says in PROVERBS 31: 10

    A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.''

  • Incognito

    Perhaps the photo was obtained from an early episode of 'Young Sheldon'.

  • incognito2014

    Waton, you must never have done the count at the hall. You would have wildly underestimated.

    There are 6 males and actually 4 other sisters with hands up.

    I agree the Sheldon kid does look a little too interested.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I get that you are talking about an uncomfortable discussion and the "sisters" are shown ready to comment. Beyond that, I am not sure what point you are driving.

    I am kind of fascinated at the use of tablets in the photo. "Stop using our ink and bring your tablet." WOW!

  • tiki

    Why are some if not most of the men in this photo grinning? Subject matter a tad unnerving for them?

    Sister Smith needs therapy.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    This may be a screen shot taken from the move "Stepford Wives".

    If so, the men are smiling and happy because their wives are obedient Androids that are programmed to say and do as they are told. The women are only too ready to parrot the lines that have been programmed into them by the men. The little boy will grow up thinking this is normal and how things should be and will hope to have a Stepford wife of his own someday .

  • waton

    R&R thank you for putting that picture up, The print edition does not give the whole frame.

    There are 6 males and actually 4 other sisters with hands up.

    i217: yes there are 5 sisters with their hands up, 6-7 males just grinning. ,

    Beyond that, I am not sure what point you are driving.

    OTWO: The main point is WtBtS inc prides itself in The B like Bible in the S for society. and here is their wish of as the perfect congregation, spiritually emasculated males, and the GB, their teachings, adored, supported by an infinite ratio of supporting females, ready to give all. That in contrast to "what the bible really teaches,'' --- 'the lord's commandments-- in the scriptures I cited above. I Cor. 14: 34-38. "---dis-graceful--"

    like it or not, that is the scriptural reality, and of course wtBtS totally ignoring the reminder that it is not given to them to understand time and timing. Acts 1:7.

    Time has come to wake up.

  • waton
    Why are some if not most of the men in this photo grinning?

    I am not sure what point you are driving.

    OTWO: No explanation is offered by wtBtS about that picture on page 27, in contrast to the other illustrations. why? a freudian slip? leaving it to us to draw our conclusions? perhaps RR or other can put that up?

    tiki; They are the PIMOs referred to in the tile of the thread. They are amused by it all, mentally out, but might not realize that freeing enlightenment yet.


    When deciding whether to have children and how many to have, wise couples “calculate the expense” (See paragraph 7) *

    Parents need to determine how to train each of their children (See paragraph 20) *

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