Adult Homework and Extra Credit

by lovesjehovah 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Giordano

    I do believe that the internet is already having a profound effect. I can gather information quickly, fact check, enter debates, learn healthy ways, get a college degree. I can find generous people who are willing to share their expertise for free.

    It is harder to be a child molester and a criminal because of the internet. Harder for a religion to lie about their motives, history and beliefs. We would have known far more about Jonestown much earlier then we did.

    Getting everyone on line (we are heading that way) will continue to improve everyone's life, health and well being.

  • sowhatnow

    along with all those good ideas,

    If we cant eliminate money, lol,

    Id like to see a 6 hour workday. same pay as 8.


    think about it. how great it would be if people knew they only had to work 6 hours, you would go to work, with a better attitude, probably put in your all, knowing you get to go home in 6 hours. production I believe would be better. Right now, most people go to work dreading it, and try to do as little as possible.

    they feel unappreciated, under paid and used. well, turn it around. 6 hours of good work for 8 hours of pay.

    no more tired people, no more long lunch breaks just two shorter quick potty and drink breaks, lol,

    more people would be employed as well. no more being too tired for your family, no more high unemployment. no more 'mandatory overtime' bull.

    way less human error due to being tired. we can use less medical mistakes.

    even kids would learn better, and can have more time at home, lessening the burden on the teachers and giving parents more valuable time with their kids.

    and cheap available public transportation.

    i cant believe how many people I know who cant afford a car because they dont have one to get to work to make money to have a car! I live in rural, there is no public transportation. no car, no job, no nothing. thats wrong. you live in the country, your screwed if you have no wheels. well, who buys the high school grad a car to get a job if your poor and live in the country? a lot of depressed lonely kids, and stressed parents who struggle taking their kids to work while trying to work themselves.

    plus, eliminate waste.

    people need people, not things, materialism in the US, is appalling. the waste is shocking.

    the mentality is messed up, pay for bottled water when you have municipal water, pay for wrapping paper, to throw out... dumb.

    I cant believe how little value people have for the things they work and pay money for.

    and how cheap and trashy things are being made now. Its sickening.

  • Princess Ashe
    Princess Ashe
    Pay it forward. I think community and helping each other would go a long way. All age groups associating with each other, without judgments or a since of entitlement
  • talesin

    Make empathy the ideal. It would preempt greed, slavery, cruelty, all the things that are keeping us down; and promote sharing, healing and good for humans and the whole planet. Anarchy rules, justice is determined by the village.

    That, and transcendentalism + science = possible hope for humanity. xx

  • Divergent

    There... I fixed it! Makes nore sense now =)

    It seems that once we became brainwashed sheep, we lost our way. We stopped asking questions. We submitted to the bidding of the Watchtower. We stopped doing our true homework. This life isn't about meetings, field service, pioneering, bethel service, following absurd man-made rules & ideologies, abuse of power, disfellowshipping, shunning & conditional love, protecting sex abusers & pedophiles, covering up sexual abuse & victimising the victims instead of helping them, promoting false prophecies, looking forward to the time where billions of innocent people including children & babies supposedly die at "Armageddon", etc. It's about billions of humans being here at the same time to help each other. So I raise this challenge...
    Write about what you would change in the world to make it better for every living being.
    Extra Credit: Attempt to do so.

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