Another example of. Brotherly love you can only find in jehovahs organization

by nowwhat? 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Overrated

    Sorry for your lose. It was the same at my father's JW services. NOT one person he helped thru the years bothered to show up. I guess he was on the low end of the pole.

  • ToesUp

    Sending our sympathy nowwhat.

    My spouse and I have witnessed, throughout the years, several "prominent" JW's passing away. The funerals and eulogy go much deeper then the average JW. The amount of people who show up, the talk and even the little brochure they give out at the funeral, go into much more detail. It's who you are in this cult.

  • Biahi

    I’m dreading when my mom goes, a born in 84 year old that won’t believe anything I tell her because it’s all “ apostate lies”. I would like to express to whatever elder gives the talk, in DO NOT WANT an infomercial for the watchtower.

  • polish clarinet
    polish clarinet

    It was the same with my grand mother, she knew JWs during WW2 ! But she was Sister Nobody! No elder in the family, no VIP... So only 10 attended the office, and 10 others sent a kind word...

    well, 70 years "in the truth" were worth nothing for those "so extraordinary people".

    Very sad, but it was one among many elements which made me leave years later.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Biahi12 hours agoI’m dreading when my mom goes, a born in 84 year old that won’t believe anything I tell her because it’s all “ apostate lies”. I would like to express to whatever elder gives the talk, in DO NOT WANT an infomercial for the watchtower.

    so--if youre the one left to organise the funeral--why even involve the cult ?

  • Nitty-Gritty

    Sorry for your loss.

    The reason this was such a sparse attendance is probably because of covid. The org. Is taking the pandemic very seriously and doesn't recommend anyone associating outside the household in person at all. There are email reminders being sent out regularly about that. The elders are especially held accountable as they are supposed to lead by example.

  • nowwhat?

    Sorry not buying the covid excuse. People are going to work the grocery store, home depot , restaurants, etc

  • KiddingMe

    I am so sorry for your loss.

    I attended a JW funeral recently but none of the members of the congregation were present. Just the immediate family. The service was done on zoom. I believe they are pretty much recommending the members of the congregation not attend in person.

    I agree there are exceptions for grocery shopping etc., which is why I attended, but I feel that it’s frowned upon. The announcement to the congregation didn’t even give the option to attend in person, just a zoom link. I know the family was open to it, and would have appreciated it if more attended or at least came through briefly.

  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence

    Sorry to hear about your relative. I believe that you are in my neck of the woods in Ohio.

  • 3rdgen


    I'm so sorry that the indifference of the congregation added to your families' grief. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon among JWs. The faithful elderly-especially those who haven't been able to attend meetings regularly become "out of sight and out of mind".

    My paternal Aunt was not only a faithful sister but she was 2ondgen "annointed" and a career pioneer who helped form the original congregation in her town. She obeyed Rutherfraud's council not to have children during "the time of the end". She played the piano at the kingdom Hall for many years until they went to records. She was elegant, friendly, and well-liked. She lived to be 100 years old!

    Hubby and I were expecting standing room only at her memorial as there were at least 4 congregations in her town by that time and many others nearby. We were shocked that on that lovely spring day barely 50 people showed up. Apparently, she outlived everybody who gave a damn.

    BTW, this was 2004

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