He's from Minnesota. Strong chance of being a DFLer. Not that it really matters. Skol Vikings!
by HappyDad 26 Replies latest jw friends
Have you ever used algebra in your life?
Constantly. What an odd question.
Doctor Who
Is the premise of this thread a joke or what?
Let me make a guess, you are a Trump supporter, right?
Rub a Dub
Dude, why the hostility? I know the man personally and he was just pondering on things. Then gave some advice he learned from his experiences. Chill out. That Trump Derangement Syndrome must be a hell of a disorder!
Half banana
@Happy Dad, glad that you are OK, out of the Watchtower deception and with a good pension -- but don't throw the baby out with the bath water!
The GB do not want their flock to be educated above the minimum. If people started learning science, maths and logic above the needs of basic workplace requirements well that's spiritual weakness brother! And why? because it is the fruits of higher education which can demonstrate the lies, propaganda and control methods used by JW HQ. Algebra can help with the logic of critical thinking; the GB's most feared weapon.
A member of the GB (one of the chubby ones, wait a mo! they're all chubby) said cynically that learning about insects is "OK if you like insects". He was safe with this cheap laugh because knew most JWs don't like insects and would not dare to study them. However if he had learned about insects he would have known how indispensable they are in the ecological balance of life and also in the archaeological dating of bones and artefacts. Just the presence of a couple of microscopic feet or antennae or a few wing cases can determine that the date was from this or that period because these bugs were part of an insect assemblage which only lived there at this particular time. Insects and a thousand other bits of evidence show that humans lived hundreds of thousands of years before mythical Adam, disproving a literal reading of the Bible = a death blow to basic JW dogma.
Just an example to show the immeasurable value of higher education but it's not for everyone, no good if you're a window cleaner, yak herder or kamikaze pilot.
I did well in Algebra and remember getting a 95 in my Regents. However, I have never once used it in my life.
I agree with you that some young people should definitely look into trades..although I think they are afraid to get their hands dirty as though there is some stigma if they do. This bias was probably started by elites with clean hands. Younger people today should start thinking differently about this. Everybody doesn’t have to work in an office!
I see your point about the ignorant JWs but was looking at it just from a practical standpoint. The OP was just discussing an alternative for prospective career seekers.
Even though I respect higher education, I do feel that college education in today’s society is a big business that IS ripping everybody off.
Yeah and teach the students angry destructive left wing dogma hostile to civilisation. Good you have people like Milo and Jordan Peterson 🤭
I can see right from the get go Recovering that you are a serious person.
My intention was to add an extra bit of non-sequitur levity.
You should consider asking your doctor about a malaise that can effect one's funny bone.
In the words of Robert Plant "Does anyone remember laughter?"
To this day Mr. Plant is still embarrassed anytime he hears his attempt at humor.
I am therefore in good company.
Half banana
Long Haired Gal, yes I am a happy banana and you are right the issue is the study of things we learned at school versus their utility in real life. As in your case, studying algebra, even though you've never had to use it directly, it did you no harm learning it. Getting a good grade in the subject demonstrated your ability to do other advanced courses.
It's not so much "what" we learn at school! As my father maintained we go to school "to learn how to learn" and most of our learning takes place after our school years doesn't it?
Dude, why the hostility? I know the man personally and he was just pondering on things
Doctor Who ...
I stand corrected.
(HappyDad ... I was being too harsh, I apologize, and I mean it.)
I guess from that question, I just got flashbacks to the movie Deliverance with the two guys sitting on the porch with rotting teeth playing dueling banjos.
The comment about computers taking away the trade is exactly right ... guess what, the people that understand and design technology use algebra and calculus every day.
The people that can, as he called it, "shovel shit" don't realize that people design the shovels, design the tools to make the shovels, produce the shovels, market the shovels, sell the shovels, manage the logistics to deliver the shovels most efficiently, analyze the customer satisfaction of the shovels, analyze return rates of defective shovels, determine the most efficient methods using reverse logistics to have shovels returned, and then incorporate the statistics into future product enhancements and improvements along with engineering designs of new shovels.
Of course, all of the computer-related items mentioned are just seat of the pants ideas and no mathematics involved. LMAO.
I get it. From his thesis, algebra and calculus are not needed.
Rub a Dub
The Fall Guy
Wasn't Al Jabra one of the leaders of Islamic State? Hmm.