Age when parents should stop bathing their children

by Wonderment 13 Replies latest social family

  • moreconfusedthanever

    speaking for myself I stopped wiping my children's bottoms just as soon as I could. I mean who really wants to be doing that for longer than they have to?

    Of course you need to make sure they can take care of it properly themselves and for each child that is different.

  • Wonderment

    Thanks 4 your comments. But let me rephrase the question:

    At what age would you consider extreme for parents to be bathing their kids, and/or wiping their bottoms?

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    That's a hard one that all depends on what are the parental concerns and learning capabilities of the child. I find it hard to put a limit to human kindness of loving parents.

    I can see wear this may lead to violations of the law and perhaps may lead to a overly zealous prosecution. And the thought that some sexual stimulation may happen on the care givers and things can happen.

    I'm not for throwing the book at caring loving parents that have let these instincts over come them and violated the law.

  • Diogenesister
    At what age would you consider extreme for parents to be bathing their kids, and/or wiping their bottoms?

    Ok I knew a mum that wiped her 11 year olds bum still. Mum was a single parent, an ex addict and tried to over compensate by buying too many toys and being her daughters slave, more or less. Her daughter would call “ muuuuuum” very loudly when she needed attending to on the loo, like a toddler.

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