Last Meeting

by Nosferatu 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Uhhh, ya; last night at the book study. There was a sentence that nailed me to the wall in the second to last paragraph:

    “We must love God’s name more than our own lives.”

    Translation for those not versed in Watchtower speach:

    “We must be willing to die for every damnable thing that the WTS tells us to do.”

    Last week’s lesson [as was this weeks] was about what Jehovah’s beautiful name means to us. It also described how non-believers blood would be ‘splattered’ as they die at god’s hands.


    At one point he said that if you don't really believe, then you might as well leave the organization. So I immediately gathered up my things and walked out… never to return.


    Wow, that’s clear cut. Did you yell out to the bro on stage to give him a big ‘thank you’ for finally saying something that made sense?

    At my very last meeting, I gave a talk from the platform in the Theocratic Ministry School


    Oh, me too! What did you say? Was it in the main [front] school? Did you pop open a brew, stoke up a fat one and then walk off of the stage? Guns a blazing baby!?


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Yes, Nosferatu, very much so....It was my disf'ing meeting. I sat front row and center, sans any other bros and was the Thursday night meeting <ministry school and KM>....I watched the elders who'd met with me and to whom I had written a scalding letter in answer to their headuptheira** accusations against me....watched as they hung their heads, turned white-faced and ashen and the one who gave my disf'ing announcement was of 'em even sneaked in a lil message for me in his program part about how the Isrealites stayed clean when they went into the wilderness and cautioning anyone finding themselves cast into the wilderness for any reason to follow the Isrealites' example and do the same....heheheheh

    Frannie B <of the "THINK....'bout what yer tryin' ta do to me" class>

  • Betsy

    Sadly I can't remember anything about the last meeting I attended. I'm so sad about that!


  • freedom96

    Nothing special about the last meeting I went to.

    My decision to not go back was made when I had already not gone for awhile. I didn't go to the meetings simply because I didn't feel like it.

    Later, once realizing that it is all a bunch of crap anyways, then I simply never went back at all.

  • david_10

    I left the organization way back in 1987. Although the build-up that led to my and my family's departure had been going on for a few years, it was in August, 1987 that we attended our last meeting. But I don't remember anything specific about the meeting itself------it was just a regular meeting, I guess. I still drive the old 1974 Plymouth that I always drove to the meetings and that I've owned for over 20 seems to be part of my image and I just can't bring myself get rid of it. It's out-lived every car I've ever had and will probably out-live 2 or 3 more. Now in the trunk of the old Plymouth, the briefcase that contained all the books and magazines and materials that we needed for the meetings still resides, and has been pretty much undisturbed for the last 16 years. It has the study Watchtowers for a few weeks, the Tuesday study books, Kingdom Ministries for a couple of months, songbooks for the family, green Bibles, field service materials, some small toys and Golden Books that we'd sneak into the Hall for our sons who were still babies at the time. Just everything that a witness needs to survive the meetings. Over the years, I've opened that briefcase up maybe 3 times when I've been in a reminiscing mood, and I can't believe that I did all that. But even more than that, it makes me feel very sad. I was raised in the "truth", as was my wife, and our whole life up to that point is in that briefcase, and I get an overwhelming feeling of sadness whenever I open it. I guess that's why I don't look in there very often. It just stays in the trunk of the car as a reminder, I suppose, of the hell that the Society put us through. My 4 kids were pretty young when we left, and I've noticed that they still have some problems from it all, as do I, but all in all, we're doing very well and feel so thankful to be free of it. That's something else that that briefcase reminds me of. Great thread.


  • Ravyn

    last meeting I attended 2 elders hit on me. I had already been 'transitioning' for a year. guess they could 'smell' it. other than that it was an incredible sense of 'I am SO done with this $h!t' wow...the headiness of freedom--maybe I should recall that last time more often--still gives me rush of power and satisfaction and the hope of a whole new life ahead of me.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep


    No theatrics, just didn't bother going back.

  • obiwan

    Thankfully, I don't even remember witch meeting was my last one, let alone what went on.

  • blondie

    It was a circuit assembly where non-JWs were called corpses.

  • benext

    When I moved into the last cong. I attended I had made it known I did not want to be reappointed, I did not comment or go in FS with them.

    At my last meeting a young idiot elder was joking his way though his meeting part. At the conclusion, he was reading the names of newly appointed MS then made the comment: "It's a pleasure to serve in the ___________________ congregation."

    It was then I made the decision it would be a pleasure not to attend the __________________ congregation.

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