They Are Going To Start Clamping Down With Staying At Home - Local Needs + GB Update #4

by thedepressedsoul 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thedepressedsoul

    Many of us have watched the GB #4 update. Most of us jumped for joy when they basically said that there will be no meeting in person for a long time to come.

    One aspect we overlooked was how hard they hit home the "Love of neighbor". How this "love" is what makes a true christian and as a result our love for our neighbors will motivate us to stay at home.

    Well now they released a letter that is instructing all KH's to view this video during their local needs part. It doesn't stop there though. They then want time after the video for the brothers to give a talk on "local application". Basically, saying to stay at home.

    Here's where it gets even more interesting. The letter a few months back added that it was up to "each family head" to make a decision that is best for their family.

    Take this new video, local needs + that line about family head and you have what they've been setting up for. You are not "exemplary" if you are not showing love of neighbor by staying at home. Therefore, say goodbye to Brother DoGood's privileges when he goes out unnecessary and not displaying love for neighbor.

    Take it a step further, how can a appointed brother go out now since he won't be setting a good example for the "sheep". Brother SpirituallyWeak will point to Elder NotShowingLove going out, so why can't he?

    Man am I glad I am out. They're going full cult on Zoom. You never go full cult.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Mike and Kim this morning did a video on touched on this subject.

    Also, ExJwCriticalThinker had a video in late May on this subject. With zoom now, it makes it tougher, way tougher to fade away now. Because your local gestappo(elders) know where you are now, at home.

  • alanv

    Beth Sarim, why do you say its harder to fade now? I would say its much easier. For most witnesses it means much less invovement in the congregation. Many of the jobs that have to be carried out by individuals in the congregation, are no longer required with no Kingdom Hall to attend. If witnesses enquire about a person, they can say anything they like, as witnesses are being told to be ultra careful at the moment. Certainly would have been easier for me to fade if i had been able to stay at home instead of physically having to attend every meeting.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Alanv - it is easier so long as you are ok about being thrown out. The elders are improving at both identifying those who don't go along with the spirit of unity and being utterly ruthless at putting pressure on to comply.

    If you are still in and gaming them, that pauses their initial attack on your non-compliance. Then they think about the way round it and try another angle on you.

    Strings are getting pulled now with even greater force. So cong members who used to be able to scatter like cats have found themselves in a cage. Yes a big cage, but now you can't disappear quite so well. So if you were fading before Zoom, maybe its easier but post Zoom you'll have to be upfront about leaving.

  • Biahi

    No one can leave with dignity and respect. Not allowed.

  • pale.emperor

    I do wonder how they'd manage to hold any judicial committees if they're not meeting up. Over Zoom? Where it can be recorded and witnesses present off camera?

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Yes I guess Star Chamber by Zoom if you make a personal choice to acknowledge their authority. I never attended the Star Chamber when they carried out their act of cruelty towards me (as Biahi says - an attempt to strip my of my dignity (failed) and defame me to those that knew me).

    They were so cheesed I didn't attend their first Star Chamber they made no decision and held another one, which I also didn't attend. But before their silly event I turned up to tell them, yet one more time that their actions were contrary to Jehovah and they really ought to stop this bad behaviour immediately. So they didn't. Normal for them.

    Guess what? They are reaping what they sowed, now they can turn on each other and they can't escape. Some of them are actually changing colour. They are going red.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    "Beth Sarim, why do you say its harder to fade now? I would say its much easier. For most witnesses it means much less invovement in the congregation. Many of the jobs that have to be carried out by individuals in the congregation, are no longer required with no Kingdom Hall to attend. If witnesses enquire about a person, they can say anything they like, as witnesses are being told to be ultra careful at the moment. Certainly would have been easier for me to fade if i had been able to stay at home instead of physically having to attend every meeting"

    Go on youtube. And look for the ExJwCriticalThinker youtube video I believe it was back on May 26. It's about the zoom meetings. JT will fill you in quite nicely.

    He drives the point home really well.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ''Guess what? They are reaping what they sowed, now they can turn on each other and they can't escape. Some of them are actually changing colour. They are going red.''

    It's just priceless seeing this. They are trapped amongst themselves. It's impossible to NOT attend meetings. Where else are you going to be, I mean besides at home or somewhere else on your mobile device.

    If you started fading before all of this, that could be your possible loophole.

    But full on lockdown mode now on in Dubland.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Beth Sarim I can't like your comment enough - but if I could you'd have a zillion likes.

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