Why would anyone choose to support Jehovah’s Witnesses?

by Half banana 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • brandnew

    @doubtfull......ummm couldnt ya be able to do all that stuff outside the borg...??..and get this..without having to knock on doors !!! You dont have to be fake or anything☺

    MAD Puppy

  • Makemeanunbeliever
    Makeme you stated

    Seems like in most of the non-JW world, things like fowl language, smoking, recreational drug use, sexual loose conduct and innuendos, yelling, mock wrestling matches, gambling, excessive drinking, etc., are all viewed as okay.

    This is so distorted, unrealistic.flawed, and highly judgmental with no ability to prove this statement you assert, because it is untrue.Completely untrue.

    It has nothing to do with the "JW world" and non "jw world". Values, integrity morals are all within each individual and how they chose to practice. The JW have their fair share of immoral people practicing, and claiming to be "more spiritual" than non jws.

    To try to claim that calling yourself a JW then means you are more moral or more spiritual is complete absurdity.

    Tell me, who is following the gospel as it is meant to be followed in this situation: A homeless or otherwise needy person is obviously shivering from the cold on a bench next to a JW cart with literature. A non-JW fetches a blanket or coat, a sandwich, and cup of something warm to drink etc, and gives this to the man. The JWs at the cart either do not approach the man, waiting for him to approach them, or maybe they do approach the man to then hand him literature and preach.

    Matt 25 - 43

    WHO is the moral one in this story according to the gospel teachings. I suggest reading the ENTIRE book in context.

    Uhmm you might want to re-read replys before quoting someone. That was not me who made that post.

  • Makemeanunbeliever

    You do realize that supporting Jehovah's Witnesses is not a passive choice, right? I'm guessing you've only been associated with Jehovah's Witnesses for the past few years.


    Innocent people have died that could have been saved and had full lives (see changes in blood, Malawi, Nazi Germany)

    Innocent children are sexually molested, brutally abused... and it goes unpunished and unreported, resulting in more children molested.

    Millions have been robbed of reaching their full potential due to not attending college or pursuing dreams

    Millions have had money stolen from them

    Innocent people have had soul crushing lies pounded into their heads for over a century

    How would you feel about someone that ran into a crowded theater and yelled "FIRE!" when there wasn't one? That is what JW's have been doing for over a century in field service.

    How is it the best 'thing' going? How is it the best option? ANY support for this organization is a stand for something that kills innocent people and steals lives.

    Sounds like Gods "chosen" imperfect ancient Israel doesn't it?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    **Some may be too old to start over and they are content with their social life**

    Probably so. Also the born in aspect of it too. Being brainwashed from a very early, impressionable age.

  • Loi_241
    Because of they don't want to hear negative talks about Jehovah's Witnesses, so they have a reason to support them. As they do show respect to the belief of Jehovah's Witnesses.
  • Finkelstein
  • kaik

    Some may be too old to start over and they are content with their social life.

    This is the case of my mom. She has many friends in various KH, so she also travels pretty much every other weekend, and it becomes a part of her life. She knows TTATT, but she really does not care about it at her age. Plus, I have half of family in WT, so she feels interconnected with relatives. Leaving WT would severe her social life, so she continues to go to the KH.

  • OneFingerSalute

    diarrhea is the best thing going

    LOL. I see what you did there. Okay, I have a twisted sense of humor.

  • Vidiot

    Half banana - "Why would anyone choose to support Jehovah’s Witnesses?"


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