They ARE Waking Up

by konceptual99 43 Replies latest members private

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Amen flipper Amen. I would love to see that also. Still Totally ADD

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I know one dub who is ABTTS (Awake But Trying To Sleep).

  • steve2

    I know one dub who is ABTTS (Awake But Trying To Sleep).

    'Tis difficult to sleep when rolling one's eyes at the stupid stuff spouted from the platform.

  • freddo

    Picked up a snippet in a phone convo from a contact (who doesn't know my true feelings about TTATT) in N.W. England that a couple who were sub-Co and wife (and who visited his congregation about a year ago with the real CO for training) have moved out of the circuit, changed congs and in his words "gone inactive".

    He seemed quite perturbed in a hand wringing sort of "whats going on?" kind of way.

    I will be meeting up with him in the new year and see if I can find out more detail.

    Does this fit in with anyone's knowledge of goings on in Cumbria/Durham neck of the woods?

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