They ARE Waking Up

by konceptual99 43 Replies latest members private

  • flipper

    Man, do I hope all of you dear folks here are right . I DO hope that a lot of JW's are starting to wake up and doubt at least privately - and then they'll reach their breaking point like we all did and end up exiting the cult. I still haven't seen this in my extended JW family lately though.

    As for my extended JW family still in ; I would love to hear from my two JW adult daughters sometime soon - rather than only seeing them or hearing from them when my two older JW parents died. It's been over 4 months since my JW dad died ; haven't heard a word from my JW daughters and I texted and called , left messages. Or it would be nice to see my only grandson at times other than funerals. He'll grow up associating seeing me his grandfather only when death and sorrow are around - lovely - not.

    WT Society has caused SO much damage - I've seen and continue to experience it in my extended JW family constantly. God, I hope you folks are right ! This organization needs to be blown apart in a big way

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i know exactly how you feel Flipper--and wholeheartedly agree with your closing comment.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Or it would be nice to see my only grandson at times other than funerals. He'll grow up associating seeing me his grandfather only when death and sorrow are around - lovely - not. -- Mr. Flipper

    I helped raise two of my g'kids -- now, young adults. The youngest? Your words: . . . seeing me his grandfather only when death and sorrow are around.

    All communications are ignored. Is this because of following GB directives?

  • punkofnice
  • LongHairGal


    It was great that you caught up with these old friends - and nice that you got an apology for being shunned all those years ago.

    Even if I were ever to get an apology for how I was viewed when I was in the religion - I have no desire to be friends with any of these people..Too many years passed and I have moved on from it all..But, I would wish them all the best in navigating their way in the world.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Great pic punkofnice!

  • Crazyguy

    I noticed that the hold on the young ones is just not there. These millennials are more open minded , selfish , and even more critical in their thinking. Their more willing to express themselves and talk amongst their friends. It only takes a trigger to get these ones to walk away.

    Their are so many more triggers today to wake ones up . Internet showing all their doctrines as crap. Problems with child abuse, etc etc. It only takes one event in someone’s life to make them bolt for the door . The social club is the only thing keeping most in now!

  • konceptual99

    Spot on Crazyguy. If there were not the implications socially and family wise then I would be far further away than I am. I know of several ppl who are PIMO and only treading water to keep things from imploding. I would bet big money that the ppl I don't know about in my congregation and circle of associates is many more than expected.

    If the WTS ever downplay importance of the ministry and shunning then ppl will leave in their droves. Which is why they never will.

  • truthseeker


    That is encouraging news!


  • freddo
    Bump! Any more observations?

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