They ARE Waking Up

by konceptual99 43 Replies latest members private

  • konceptual99

    They ARE waking up. I have just come across someone in my congregation who is awake. I know two people in another congregation who are PIMO who are in my social circle. I know of another guy who has faded recently and is openly expressing doubts in the next town. That's not to mention the people I know in the local area who are on the board here.

    I also know of several people who will express certain doubts and questions even if they are not properly awake.

    I bet there are more people that we think that are teetering on the edge. I am confident that there are more people questioning, awakening and even actively fading or leaving than we think. Perhaps not enough to form a critical mass of discontent but I am sure I know people that I have no idea are awake just as they have no idea about me.

    It's not all bad news!

  • LV101

    konceptual99 -- good to hear and thanks for the share. Hope it snowballs Thor Speed!

    Best -

  • Crazyguy

    Many get to the point where they just check out. Still go through the motions for a social life but that’s about it. But your right. Something else to add is when I left and so did a friend it didn’t take long to notice how many others had faded too for whatever reasons. Most fade away because of how badly they are treated by other JWs or their victims of the cult in one way or another, but like you stated that seems to be changing.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    A man's money is where his heart is. When he stops giving, it's a sure sign he's having doubts.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    As more and more wake up, let's hope it grows like an unfixed feral cat colony. Pretty soon, overwhelming the neighborhood (kingdom hall, that is.)


  • freddo

    I agree K99 - there are at least two or three in my cong that are at least mainly PIMO and I can say most things about anything to them. I haven't tested telling them I have CoC on my bookshelf mind.

    But ARC/Money Grab/KH closures/White Elephant at Chelmsford/Nutters at the hall are all fair game.

    I also have one other relative who is an elder in a different hall that I can exchange concerns with.

    I suspect there will be a firmer crackdown - JW hierarchy know no different - Vigo, Bell and co up at London HQ will send out orders to the C.O.'s to watch any crafty dissenters and either shut them down or kick them out.

    Hopefully there will be enough PIMO's under investigation that if they go officially they will have a support network or at least some family will talk to them on the QT.

    Those that are bullied into staying will be a non-productive, apathetic member of the hall not contributing in anyway to the "wonderful spiritual paradise!"

    In the last two years I have heard of a UK CO being publicly reproved and removed (no idea why) - an HLC member being DF'd and a keen "serve where the need is great" elder/pioneer who went to Kingdom Evangelisers School (or whatever mini-Gilead is called) and is now Df'd. I don't believe any of the reasons were "apostasy" but it goes to show how folk are falling off of Jah's Chariotlike Organisation!

    The more the merrier, I say.

  • scratchme1010
    It's not all bad news!

    To us it's not, but a lot of damage has been done to people, especially those elderly JWs who have spent their entire lives chasing their bullshit.

  • konceptual99
    To us it's not, but a lot of damage has been done to people, especially those elderly JWs who have spent their entire lives chasing their bullshit.

    Yes you are 100% right scratch. I didn't mean to imply that this wasn't the case. All I am trying to say is that I do sense a change in the air. Just as there is a double down by some in terms of cult activity, there is also a palpable undercurrent of resentment and doubt. Where it goes I don't know - it may never escalate and reach a critical mass, but it is there.

    That is why places like this are important. They are refuges for people, a place to ask questions, hear opinions and unload. There has been untold damage done to countless people, this should never be forgotten however it is encouraging to know that there is almost certainly a handful of people in every congregation with some level of doubt and state of wakefulness to the WT nonsense.

  • GoneAwol

    I agree. Times are a’ changin.

    Me and my good lady went to dinner last thursday to see 12 of our old cong who all left at roughly the same time, around 3 months ago. Thats 12, including 4 teens / young adults, out of a cong of around 70.

    It was great to catch up. They actually apologised to us for shunning us after we left 10 years ago, which was fantastic.

    Reasons for them leaving was to do with the ARC. Last thursday the cong had a local needs about the plague of apostasy that had come upon the cong 😁. I bet the elders are crapping their pants.

    Not only that, we learnt that a couple that I thought were uber dubs left around 6 months ago. This couple are around 70years of age, so a bit of a waste of life for them.

    “gods org” is in total freefall 😁😂

  • Chook

    Before the internet those who left often went back, now there is few returning to the cult and such ones often show enthusiasm against jw dogma.

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