JW's opinions on bunker video

by neat blue dog 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS. fear mongering has just been turned on into 21 century by the WTS's own video production facilities the WTS bought.

    Fear has been core exploitative emotion the WTS has used commercially all throughout the past 20th century to attract attention to the organization own publications.

    What did the bible say about false prophets ?

    Without fear and lying where would the WTS be today ?

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    they are doing a house to house sheerch for those pesky JW and bring them to the police station where they can put them in concentration camps and kill them and torcher some into renouncing Jehovah by pulling out their finger nails unsedatedly or like Malawi Africa tie bricks to their balls and make them walk around the refugee camp and getting a naked JW women and naked brother tying them together to see if they will keep their integrety to Jehovah's requirement for life in his new system.

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