Does the Earth (as a planet) deserve to be colonised by humans?

by fulltimestudent 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Diogenesister

    Is a dramatic reduction in human fertility a cause for concern?

    More like a cause for celebration. Earth will do just fine without us.

    As if this wasn’t terrifying enough, Swan’s research finds that these chemicals aren’t just dramatically reducing semen quality, they are also shrinking penis size and volume of the testes. This is nothing short of a full-scale emergency for humanity.
    A dramatic reduction in male penis sizes?

    For god's sake, ladies, call the UN!!!!!!😜😜😜

    *(Thanks for the post FTS it's very interesting)

  • Bobcat

    This kind of reminds me of a scene in the movie, The Arrival.

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    I think this is nonsense. While I am well aware there are plastics in the ocean our technology has increased to the point that we have created microorganisms that eats the plastic away.

    As far as world food supply. Get a life! Have you ever worked in a grocery store or a warehouse? Half the cans or stored food are wasted. Fact! The is enough food for probably 50 billion and the world will top at 11 likely. Every one of the eight billion people is a human. A unique person whom I as a fellow human have love for (yes as an atheist/ actually a Daoist) and will defend them for their life.

    The problem with food is not the amount of food. It's moronic governments that are in a free for all. (Cough the US cough) :p

    Truthfully this idea that were are polluting the world while true has plummeted this last year! Aha! so all it takes is on virus to F*** up our damage! (I saw Manila a haze every day until... April 2020.. now it's clear) Maybe this so-called hardship is a kick in the pants! After 2022 I doubt we will look at pre 2020 the same.

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