Brothers, please give blood!

by lastmanstanding 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eyeuse2badub

    What if a jw donates only a "fraction" of his blood to help save others? After all, donating a pint of blood is technically only a small fraction of a persons total blood. Scientists estimate the volume of blood in a human body to be approximately 7 percent of body weight. An average adult body with a weight of 150 to 180 pounds will contain approximately 4.7 to 5.5 liters (1.2 to 1.5 gallons) of blood.

    So then a pint of blood is only 1/12 or 8.3 percent (a fraction) of the total blood in the average person

    Is a "fraction" of blood the same as blood "fractions"? IMHO---yes!

    just saying!

  • ragingmad

    Hey, if you're ok with genetic material from another person inside of you, can you introduce me to your 16 year old daughter?

    The official word is that it's up to your conscience to decide on taking this so-called "vaccine", same as other blood components.

    Thank goodness I've already gotten covid 19; I won't have to choose between freedom from tyranny/opting out of the vaccine or being able to get a job in satan's world.

    It has been carefully purified from blood, so much so that the rna antibodies cannot survive at a normal temperature. Indeed, if you search for where does rna come from, you'll see that it comes from a component of blood.

    Ignoring the blood issue, purely from a holistic/naturalist/health point of view, I would never take this vaccine. I feel sorry for those that do have to decide. I honestly do not know I would decide. But again, it's a conscience matter, not a hard and fast rule.

    I'd like to say that you're all wrong on this forum and I'm always right, as I usually am (^^^ that was sarcasm^^^), but on this issue I'm really not sure.

    Oh and one final word, no I'm not baptized yet.

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