So what have the rank and file been saying now that a vaccine is being given. What happened to Armageddon

by goingthruthemotions 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • goingthruthemotions

    A vaccine is here!!! the light at the end of the tunnel is visible!!! So what happened to Armageddon?

    My extra PIMI has not mentioned a word. I remember at the beginning she told me the end was starting. and now look...we see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    I mentioned to my wife the other day that i thought her religion was going to be an online religion. she NO and i said just wait and see. Less overhead for the ORG.

    So my question is, what have any of you heard from you PIMI's or POMI's or anyone.

    I hope this cult just dies away, or she just leaves. but the later is less likely.

  • GrreatTeacher

    " We've seen the light! Those doctors and scientists with all of their worldly education have saved us!"

    Just kidding. My parents have said that they'll get their shots as soon as they are offered, but I get a peculiar sense like they're talking to a worldy person and giving me the " right" answer, but there's something underneath that they are not saying.

    I wish I could figure it out.

  • pistolpete

    A lot of my JW family are confused. Some of them have opened up after all these years and are telling me they don't understand what is happening. Some have told me that it makes no sense that Jehovah would stop the preaching work for an entire year. Why would he do that if we are living in the last days and lives are at stake?

    The virus should have come During the Great Tribulation, not before and stop the life saving work of preaching.

    And they have also mentioned why in the world is the Society letting go of several bethelites who are older and have no Social Security or skills to take care of themselves. Why no more publications.

    They are really getting distraught.

    I think even if they all go back after the vaccines, it won't be the same. This has been a huge blow to their faith in-----THE ORGANIZATION.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Yes. I posted a thread the other day about the vaccines coming-out. What really has always pissed me off is how in Dubland, the Dubbies are relying on those doctors and scientists to benefit them in which they will condemn in heartbeat because they are not one of ''them'', their ''wordlies''. They rely on the ones, who they will condemn in ''the end'', but they rely on 'now'. That has always bugged me, terribly.

    But yeah. I'm sure many are wondering. Why the preaching work has stopped for nearly a year. When they believe all along that Jah will protect them. I do sense a level of ''distraught' amongst the dubs. They won't say it, but you can sure see it in body language. Like ''how can a pandemic stop the preaching work''.

  • WTWizard

    Along with all the sickness and suffering the vaccine itself will cause, it will bring back a time where jokehovian witlesses are everywhere. (With those useless face masks, of course.) We return to the days where you could be shopping and the hounders come to you, to hound you back. We return to the days where it is not safe to go past where those abomination buildings they meet are, or the streets leading to these--you will run into hounders once again. They will do their utmost to bring everyone back--even though everyone will be very sick and suffering due to the vaccine.

    For sure, once I start seeing those pests during my work and commute, and traveling to supermarkets, I will miss the days when they were not around. I would rather take my chances with the virus itself--never mind the effect of the MANDATORY vaccine itself.

  • Vidiot

    Re. Pistolpete‘s post...

    And why would “God’s Exclusive Earthly Organization” capitulate to the commands of “Satan’s World”?

    And where are all the black-clad NWO stormtroopers? Don’t forget those guys.

  • Jofi_Wofo

    At least in my wife's congregation, they've established an out. Yes, if COVID-19 gets worse, it means the end is coming! But if things get better... it means that the end is coming!!!!

    The reasoning?

    Well, it's going to happen at a time "when you least expect it", which means that things have to be so good so that nobody will be expecting it.

    Let's review. If times are bad, it's proof that the end is near. If times are good, it's proof that the end is near.

    Also, if you don't see that this is the truth, then you are deliberately ignorant.

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    Pistolpete -"A lot of my JW family are confused. Some of them have opened up after all these years and are telling me they don't understand what is happening. Some have told me that it makes no sense that Jehovah would stop the preaching work for an entire year. Why would he do that if we are living in the last days and lives are at stake"

    I seem to remember back in the mid 80's to mid 90's when the "increase was on" there was no end of hearing scriptures like Isaiah 2:2 (KJV) And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

    These days with all of the congregation amalgamations ("What a blessing from Jah") and hall sales, how can the regular Dubs not be confused?

    The society is haemorrhaging credibility.


  • Harry

    " Dam those modern educated worldly people ! "

    We had a plague going and they went ahead and ruined it !

  • nowwhat?

    Let's see. Satan provides a vaccine for the world. Jehovah provides sand for a kingdom hall.

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