JW patient with covid-19 received blood transfusion

by adjusted knowledge 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge

    I had a patient admitted from a skilled nursing facility/rehab that is an active JW. The patient had covid-19 as did most of the patients at that facility. Typically the local elders are all involved in these admissions but there is a strict no visitor policy which includes clergy. This patient's poa is his/her daughter that approved a blood transfusion when the patient's hgb dropped to 6.9. The patient normally is alert and oriented and makes their own decision but not on this admission. I had to administer the blood transfusion because the patient assigned RN was also a JW, though they didn't know each other. Which is another interesting topic because there are 2 RNs on my unit that are active JW. One is willing to administer blood transfusions and the other refuses. She won't even set it up or go get the blood.

    So I was wondering how many active JW are getting blood transfusions throughout the world since a lot of hospitals are having strict visitor policies. This takes the pressure off JW who don't have family members in there and also the group of elders that visit frequently.

    Then also I was curious how the society or local elders view JW RNs that administer a blood transfusion.

    *Last time I posted a clinical experience someone got bent out of shape that I violated HIPAA. I suggest you read up on it if you think this to be the case here. I listed no protected personal information that could identify anyone.*

  • smiddy3

    I think nowadays their would be quite a few who would take blood if they can be assured nobody else could know about it .And taking advantage of the strict visitor policy they could get away with this .

    Of course the RN who is a JW could break confidentiality and spill the beans on anyone they know who is a JW to the Elders in the area where the patient lives ,and they could do this anonymously of course.

    And a patient would not know or be aware of a RN being an active JW now would they.

  • Phizzy

    I wonder how many JW's will be sensible and take blood if it proves to be either a cure, or a protection, which is being worked on by researchers as a possibility ?

    I think "Judicial Action" against any taking blood has been light in recent years, and in the circumstances above the JW would be totally excused.

    The whole JW teaching on Blood is a total mess, and totally nonsensical and cannot be backed by Scripture unless such words are really twisted and taken completely out of context. Any DFing etc. will expose their murderous, baseless, teaching to more Public scrutiny, and bad Publicity.

  • Bobcat


    Thanks for the discreet report. The WT recently sent a letter out reminding the R&F to have their DPA (aka no-blood card) up to date and to have all their physicians and elders with a copy. So I guess the WT is well aware of the potential in these circumstances.

  • Zilgee

    Heard that some jws died due to covid

  • millie210

    Thank you for sharing this experience.

    I would think these times would take some pressure off JWs who don't want the hospital committee there in the first place but are hesitant to say so.

  • nowwhat?

    I don't buy it. Why would a covid19 patient need blood? Unless it was the antibody plasma treatment

  • sir82

    There have been many reports on this site over the years about JWs who accept blood transfusions, or transfusions of the "components" that JWs also prohibit for their adherents, after confirming with the medical staff that their decision will remain private from prying elders. I can't independently confirm those reports, but they certainly sound plausible.

    I suspect it is quite common, and was so even before the current pandemic.

    Heard that some jws died due to covid

    There was a meeting on Friday between Bethel and COs, then COs passed the info to COBEs, and COBEs to elders, and then elders to publishers....the count of JWs who have died of COVID-19 in the US, as of Friday 4/17, is 250. I don't know the count for the entire world.

  • eyeuse2badub
    Heard that some jws died due to covid
    There was a meeting on Friday between Bethel and COs, then COs passed the info to COBEs, and COBEs to elders, and then elders to publishers....the count of JWs who have died of COVID-19 in the US, as of Friday 4/17, is 250. I don't know the count for the entire world.

    No way! You mean to tell me that jehober the god that really cares for his sheep would let some of them die during this Satanic pandemic! Can't be true!

    just saying!

  • Vidiot

    "Don't ask, don't tell"... doesn't actually surprise me all that much.

    According to anecdotal evidence, quite a few of Herb Armstrong's followers did the same thing with general medical care.

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