New letter about Circuit Conventions accounting procedures

by Hecce 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    For example, at Circuit Assemblies, the Per Capita rate is never supposed to be announced.

    In all my years as a jw, this was never announced....I learned in from male jw relatives in accounting.

  • DesirousOfChange

    They are closing the barn door after the horse has gotten out. For many years there has been murmuring about the cost of Cir Assms. It's very quietly asked because no one want to appear "cheap" when it comes to paying for Spiritual Food, but many are shocked (esp the older ones) when the Cir Assms are costing well over $10,000 per day.

    Image result for god needs your money

  • blondie

    Love that George Carlin tag...DOC

  • sir82

    those are the initials of the Bethelite who drafted the letter and his assistant who typed it.

    Actually, they aren't initials - there is a "code" of sorts.

    "SD" = "Service Desk" (or "Service Department"). The "E" and "F" are the codes for the persons involved.

    "SDE" = "Person E at the service desk wrote this" and "SDF = "Person F at the service desk typed it".

    "Insiders" at the Service Dept. know who wrote and typed it, but for those outside the ivory tower, it is top secret information.

    They are desperately frantic to preserve their anonymity and protect themselves from personal responsibility.

    "Paranoia strikes deep" - "For What It's Worth", the Buffalo Springfield

    One of the items that caught my attention is the information printed in bold: that the per capita cost for the Assembly Hall should not be announced to the Congregations.

    That is not new, that has been the policy for at least several years, I think maybe for as long as they have had the "per capita" system in place.

  • kpop

    Very interesting stuff. It only further confirms how Assemblies are a cash making scheme for the Org

    I think it was always a cash making scheme for the Borg... eye opening from an ex-elder. I always wonder why there was a deficit at every convention even when the building was paid for, electricity is very cheap and trash removal is minimal... why would a one day assembly cost $12k?

  • blondie

    That is not new, that has been the policy for at least several years, I think maybe for as long as they have had the "per capita" system in place.

    I think that was brought out in an earlier comment, but that perhaps the brothers in that area (Mexico?) are not following the instructions.

    Hey, elders never take an independent approach regarding headquarters' instructions, do they?

  • James Jack
    James Jack

    When I was involved in the Assembly Committee up to 2010, our per pub assessment was $2.80 per pub and the Committee had a detail expense sheet that included the CO's Apartment expenses(there were 4 of them, including a caretaker's apartment). Back in 2014, they jumped the expenses up 4 fold. I asked an Elder buddy of mine about this and he told me: "The Branch has assessed us $10.50 per pub, so that there would be an Equalizing of funds for all Publishers in the U.S.Branch Territory ".

  • truth_b_known

    After watching the eye opening video that is posted above it shakes the very pillars of one's faith. The WBTS is literally charging admission to the Circuit Assemblies. You can't tell me that it takes $20,000.00 to turn the lights and heat/air on for a 2 day assembly. If Jesus visited a Circuit Assembly I guarantee he would start weaving ropes into whips.

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Pardon my ignorance, very embarrassing, but what does "per capita" mean..?

  • James Jack
    James Jack
    Muddy Waters12 minutes ago

    Pardon my ignorance, very embarrassing, but what does "per capita" mean..?

    Cost per person

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