Court denies summary judgement for Laurel Jehovah's Witnesses congregation

by OrphanCrow 161 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Fisherman
    The word you are looking for

    The substance of this case is the guarantee of freedom of communication and speech without fear (of prosecution) between priest and penitent. That guarantee means immunity for the sinner when he confesses a crime to the church and immunity for the church for not reporting the crime. Anything less than a guarantee is not freedom.

    I chose the term immunity to describe the laws that apply to church sinner communications and to highlight the words fear and freedom and guarantee and prosecution in church sinner communications. I can choose any term I want (same as Delaware Assembly chose the terms it did in 909) without you telling me what word I should be looking for.

    The rest of your post is a bunch of assertive hogwash same as your other posts.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    So Fisherman, this may be a little off topic but what's your stand on teachings/doctrine of the WTBTS? For example:

    1. No blood doctrine...truth or hogwash?

    2. Bood fractions are O.K....truth or hogwash?

    3. Disfellowshipping and shunning policy...truth or hogwash?

    4. 1914 doctrine...truth or hogwash?

    5. Higher education is a no no...truth or hogwash?

    6. Flip flop on applause when someone is reinstated...truth or hogwash?

    7. Overlapping generation...truth or hogwash?

    8. Governing Body of JWs leadership...truth or hogwash?

    9. Neutrality issue...truth or hogwash?

  • GrreatTeacher

    You know, it's when people start using their own vocabulary to assert "freedoms" that the courts have not granted that an armed takeover of a federal wildlife refuge starts to make sense.

    I certainly hope that you were not supporting those folks, but your rhetoric is worrying.

  • TheListener

    Why would the WTS hide behind a religious doctrine, the confessional, that they don't believe in?

    Can you imagine if a publisher in the congregation asked an elder to sit down and listen to their confessions like a priest and then that elder wasn't to tell the body of elders and they weren't to institute judicial proceedings if they felt a sin of sufficient gravity was committed? Hah! Ridiculous!

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy


    Sorry, just saw your post from yesterday. Thank you for that.

  • Vidiot

    TheListener - "Why would the WTS hide behind a religious doctrine, the confessional, that they don't believe in?"

    Legal convenience.

  • TheListener

    Vidiot, I know, just saying...

    Hey who downvoted me? That's so unloving, I am reporting you to the elders.

  • Giordano

    The Listener without a doubt that downvote was a mistake.

    A slippery mouse problem or a tiny weeny keyboard.

  • Sugar Shane
    Sugar Shane
    That guarantee means immunity for the sinner when he confesses a crime to the church and immunity for the church for not reporting the crime.

    Yes Fisherman, as long as ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE is assured. Why are you not able to comprehend this?

    Supreme Court Justice Burger (former): “The clergy privilege is rooted in the imperative need for confidence and trust. The... privilege recognizes the human need to disclose to a spiritual counselor, in total and absolute confidence, what are believed to be flawed acts or thoughts and to receive consolations and guidance in return.”

  • Listener
    They disfellowship a large amount of people after confession on the basis that they are not repentant, therefore it can only be concluded that these people were not interested in seeking spiritual guidance in the first instance which is why clergy privelage is given in the first place.

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