Anyone else remember the Awake saying this?

by BottanicPepper 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • punkofnice

    The publications(tm) say lots. They really are joykillers and mood hoovers.

    When did they ever say anything positive about anyone or thing that wasn't the paedo protectors in Warwick, America?

    They are all doom and gloom merchants...and it's designed that way to keep the sheeple as thick as pig sheisse and in fear.

  • smiddy3

    Didn`t they criticize "KISS" many tears ago? 6o`s / 70`s ? My then teenage son was a huge fan and I remember getting him to destroy the record .

  • FFGhost

    KISS! Yes!

    Though I don't recall hearing it from the platform, my JW friends told me it was an acronym for "Knights in Satan's Service".

    Good times.

  • punkofnice
    smiddy - I remember getting him to destroy the record

    Well, I'm sure he can get it on mp3 now, but I get your point.

    I think that I was a crap Dad as a JW. I kick myself daily.

  • blondie

    The WTS for a long time has tried not to diss a movie, etc., but uses oblique language. The WTS can depend on certain elders and other jws, to make an application to a specific movie, tv show, music, etc. Last I saw was in a 1983 Awake, "Interestingly, many have noted parallels in the story to that of the life of Jesus Christ. Said Professor Albert E. Millar, Jr.: “I think the thing that struck me most was the idea of the capacity to heal, and then when E.T. died and was resurrected.” We have in E.T., then, an enchanting Messiahlike figure that gives momentary emotional release to our need for a true friend with powers greater than ours. Therein lies the movie’s great appeal." "E.T. may be a skillfully constructed and highly entertaining movie. But it provides no substitute for our True Friend, Jesus Christ, who saves us from this dying, wicked world. After all, E.T. is make-believe. Christ is reality."

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    I am almost completely certain that an Awake back in the 80's/90's mentioned a group of rock bands we shouldn't listen to and I seem to remember them actually naming Guns and Roses.

    Pfffttt... Guns and Roses... please enjoy a feel good video of a really good cover of one of the top G&R songs, what is there not to like about this???? - A few highly talented young folk giving it there best shot


  • BluesBrother

    Who needs a cover of a rock classic when you could enjoy the real Guns n Roses singing it?

  • GabeAthouse

    Well WTWizard almost used all of his tired, predictable words.... 'Washtowel', 'Kingdumb' check, check. Did Led Zeppelin get mentioned? check.

    No mention of 'Jokehovian' though, and he missed a chance to plug Quercetin for the thousandth time.

  • JohnKG

    I remember Deicide.

  • nicolaou

    Heavy Metal, before that it was Disco and before that it was Punk Rock.

    What a joyless bunch they are. Can you imagine what everlasting 'paradise' would be like with them?

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