The problem with Capitalism!---Billionaires

by pistolpete 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • pistolpete
    LoveUniHateExams an hour ago

    @PistolPete - you've started an interesting thread about the flaws of Capitalism (and it does have flaws), but I'd just like to show you and everyone else the problem with Communism …

    Actually, I said Capitalism has worked "Better so far" than any other systems along with safety nets. And I said those who invent new technology or some miracle drug should be rewarded for their innovation, other wise it will stifle progress.

    I also said, I'm against taking away the monies earned by billionaires and distribute the monies to those who didn't earn them.That's just not right.

    Instead, I think that Billionaires "POWER AND INFLUENCE" over Government, politics, law, monopolies, ect. should be curtailed to that of a single average citizen.

    I was "Trying" to point out the reasons why socialism was being praised by many. It is not so much because Billionaires make tons of money, (although for few it might) --- But instead, the gripe over Capitalism is the fact that once a person becomes a billionaire, that person has almost absolute power to influence Government, Politics, laws, the masses, and even justice if he breaks any law. Also he is able to use his position to monopolize any market, making it impossible for any average citizen to start any business and rise to the ranks of billionaire.

    As I mentioned, One Third of billionaires "Inherits their fortune and POWER from their parents. These are now forming an aristocracy of leaders that didn't earn the right to be leaders over a country and dictate what policies and laws should rule the masses.

    Here is an example of what I mean by a billionaire influencing Government.


    Bezos, Zuckerburg, Gates, they have acquired wealth, and the power and influence that go with it. The real concern is this... Does great wealth equate with the right to dictate who can speak, or who can do business, or who must take a completely new and untested vaccine?

    Does wealth give them the right to influence elections through censorship, or dictate public health policies and medical care because of the undue influence their wealth affords them?

    It’s the way of the world I guess. The peasants can revolt, and when the smoke clears new leaders/Super-Rich will rise. Wash, rinse, repeat..


  • Simon

    Capitalism has been the best system so far.

    Unfortunately, no systems are perfect.

    Right now, the biggest issue seems to be that politicians are too easily bought and companies hold too much power and control which enables them to tilt the table in their favor.

    Having a poor referee doesn't mean the sport is inherently bad, it just means the rules need to be clarified and applied.

    Sadly, the "fans" who hold ultimate power seem mostly content to have the sport undermined and fixed because the wealthy owners throw them a few freebies every now and again.

    If we had a good media, they could educate people but ... well, that is controlled as well, by the same people.

  • stillMS

    The topic is very interesting to me. I've been thinking about similar things for quite a while.

    My idea so far is that we as humanity should invent something different to address the problems raised. I'd like to see the discussion to move away from Capitalism vs Socialism/Communism holy wars (which sounds so 19-20th centurish :) ).

    There are already some efforts to build the picture of our future - like by the or the like. But they also have their flaws - so there's much work in this field, I believe.

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