The problem with Capitalism!---Billionaires

by pistolpete 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • slimboyfat

    Well this one stuck in my mind from four years ago.

    We have an Amazon warehouse locally. It is not a popular workplace. They are notorious for taking people on in December and getting rid of them in January. Plus there was this.

    Where and when was Amazon voted a good workplace? Would you like to work there?

    Automation is one pressure on the system; the increasing concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a very small capitalist elite is also a significant factor.

  • hoser

    It is up to local government to enact and enforce labour law to protect workers rights. Ultimately it is in the best interest of the billionaires to have a happy, well paid workforce. Who will buy the crap they are selling if the small guys don’t have disposable income?

    A lot of these guys(bezos,musk,zuckerberg,gates) started out in their parents garage with one of their college buddies. They catered to our needs and wants and we willingly gave them our money. Instead of buying from Amazon early on I should have been buying Amazon early on.

    The beauty of capitalism is that anyone can share in the success of these billionaires if we make the right choices.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @PistolPete - you've started an interesting thread about the flaws of Capitalism (and it does have flaws), but I'd just like to show you and everyone else the problem with Communism …

    An ongoing struggle for justice after Khmer Rouge - CNN

  • slimboyfat

    Always an interesting/bold move when capitalist apologists invoke Cambodia to argue against egalitarian social democratic alternatives to dysfunctional late stage capitalism. Like, what’s the connection?

    Many of us would like to see health, shelter and education as basic human rights, with opportunity for all, but leaving none so far behind that they are destitute. Social democracies promote education for all, whereas the Khmer Rouge killed all academics. A bit of a difference there. It’s such childish nonsense best confined to Fox News where it passes as “political analysis”.

    People are not stupid. They realise that Khmer Rouge is not the only alternative to uncontrolled capitalism. Health care, housing, and education provision are not going to end civilisation, they are the bedrock of civilisation and a well functioning society.

  • peacefulpete
    The Khmer Rouge was xenophobic, racist and hyper nationalistic. A very potent warning.
  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    "Social democracies promote education for all, whereas the Khmer Rouge killed all academics"

    There are well known groups aligned with the left who decry civilized norms. Someone posted a list from the Smithsonian black museum that listed things such as proper english, nuclear families, and others as being symptoms of systemic racism. "Make a list of all trump's supporters and get them fired", sound familiar?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Always an interesting/bold move when capitalist apologists invoke Cambodia to argue against egalitarian social democratic alternatives to dysfunctional late stage capitalism. Like, what’s the connection? - socialism is the half-way house to communism. You personally might not regard it in this way but plenty of left-wingers do.

    Plus, both socialism and communism rely on the same holy text by the same man - Das Capital by Karl Marx.

    Karl Marx knew that his idea would cause violent overthrow of existing institutions.

    BTW Always an interesting/bold move when capitalist apologists invoke Cambodia to argue against egalitarian social democratic alternatives to dysfunctional late stage capitalism - this wasn't the reason why I posted my original comment.

    More like, I was saying 'you think capitalism has problems, just look at communism'.

  • slimboyfat

    Everybody pays so much attention to Karl Marx, but nobody mentions his sister Onya, who invented the starting pistol. 🔫

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Social democracies promote education for all - but we in the UK already have this, and we're a capitalist country.

    So, you could also say 'capitalist democracies promote education for all'. ;)

  • FedUpJW

    They are notorious for taking people on in December and getting rid of them in January.

    I don't know of very many retail businesses that do not do the same thing to cover the holiday crush. You cannot expect a business to take on employees for a two month seasonal rush of traffic and then keep them on the payroll for the other ten months without the corresponding increase in business cash flow.

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