"Well now at least they get a ressurection!"

by stuckinarut2 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, that is what a witness said after the police shootings and terrible aftermath of violence occurred this week in the USA....

    They said that it now gives them a chance to live forever...as if they would not have had that opportunity if they had not been tragically killed....

    Of course according to witness teachings, the contradictory thing is that if the big A had come a day before, then those same people would have been killed by Jehovah because they were not his worshipers....

  • Crazyguy

    yeah that teaching I always had problems with, do we help people that could die if we didn't and they for sure then would be resurrected? Where we really helping people by going to their doors or would it be better off that they didn't know? Crazy just plain crazy!!!

  • OneEyedJoe

    Disgusting statement, but yes it follows as a logical extension of JW doctrine. As a JW I was often bothered by the fact that if you really believed the doctrine and were motivated by love of neighbor to preach then the most loving thing you could do would be to shoot people in the face as soon as they open the door. Since practically no one ever became a JW from d2d preaching, you could be pretty sure you're giving them a much better chance of making it to paradise that way.

  • Divergent

    This is one of the teachings which DID NOT make sense to me. God supposedly DOES NOT desire any to be destroyed, yet goes AGAINST his own desire and punishes GOOD people with everlasting destruction simply because they are not convinced that JW's have the truth? And other people who fall in the same category actually get resurrected just because they happened to die ONE day BEFORE Armageddon? Such an unjust and unpleasant God does not deserve my worship!

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    When someone died my wife used to say, " They are the lucky ones. At least they get a resurrection."

    I never commented on such stupid statements and there were plenty.

  • BluesBrother

    I still hear that too sometimes, especially if a favourite entertainer goes. Is it much different from saying that "God must have wanted him in heaven" as some church people do - or used to.......

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    There seems to always be a loophole in any hard fast teaching. Of course they won't except the loophole that there is no "True" religion.

  • ToesUp

    Sick cult!

  • Saename
    Divergent - This is one of the teachings which DID NOT make sense to me. God supposedly DOES NOT desire any to be destroyed, yet goes AGAINST his own desire and punishes GOOD people with everlasting destruction simply because they are not convinced that JW's have the truth?

    Exactly. Simply because you disagree with Jehovah's Witnesses, God is out there to get you. When Armageddon comes. What kind of parent does this to his/her child? Interestingly, the answer is easy. Only a JW parent. Coincidence?

  • ToesUp

    Remember the Bunker video: "Our message went from good news to judgement."

    That is all JW's know how to do well....JUDGE OTHERS. WT is creating a rift, us against them. They have divided families for years but are seeing quite a few JW's not following "theocratic direction". This WILL and HAS reached the media and social media. The JW's are getting quite a reputation. They are doing a great job hanging themselves. If a JW is not in a position to exit (family ties), I truly believe that the majority of these ones have quit donating. How better to strike back...hit em where it hurts...THE WALLET!


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