Watchtower refuses to "Say Sorry" to Australian Royal Commission

by Darth FayDehr 44 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • zeb

    Lara Kaputt. You are brave and honest. Well done in your radio interview.

    I appreciate so much people like yourself stepping up to the 'line'.

    There is a cartoon from an Australian newspaper that depicts the actions/attitudes of the wt compared with other churches in this matter but \i cant find it to place it here anyone can it would be appropriate.

    Like the Pharisees of old the wt will never apologize will never sign up to the redress scheme nor will they confirm/deny as another has said here that they have funneled their money 'off-shore' to the UK which they way things are going there it may end up in Medina anyway but that is another matter.

    Thankyou again and you did a very good interview and didnt get caught up in waffle as so many folk on interviews do.

    Live long and prosper in wisdom.

  • smiddy3

    There is a cartoon from an Australian newspaper that depicts the actions/attitudes of the wt compared with other churches in this matter but \i cant find it to place it here anyone can it would be appropriate

    .zeb , do you remember what newspaper it was that had that particular cartoon ? If so contact them and they will supply you with a copy .

    If you cant remember which paper it was {their aren`t that many } right or e-mail them all asking for a copy of the cartoon if they were the one which published it .

    I`m sure they will oblige.

    I wish I had seen it.

  • zeb

    It was either the Sydney Morning Herald or 'the Australian.'.

    It depicted four clergy from different beliefs with them all apologizing except the bald dude in the suit who said "No jw children have apologized as yet" some thing along that line.

    It should be on the front page of every paper in the country if I had my way.

  • baldeagle
  • zeb

    A picture being worth a thousand words. many thanks.

  • FreeFallin

    Just printed out the cartoon...Now where to hang it... hmmm? This should be nailed on the KH door.


  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    The Watchtower Corporation is loosing money in one country after another these days first with Russia, with the label Extremist(which nobody can deny), all assets seized by the government, next it seems will be you guys in the land down under.

    Things are looking very bleak the WT these days. Could they be in the nightmare stage of a course in life involving wishful thinking? Looks like they will be getting no more money in their Australian investments from this point on, I think there might be some legal international recourse to get money from head operations in the USA.

    Maybe they should accelerate their liquidation of properties world wide and not wait for the shit to hit the fan before doing so, and find away to move it some island bank account.

    I'm sure the US Feds already got the Watchtower's multi-corporational goings on in their sights as a corrupt institution.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Has the WTS ever accepted blame and apologised?

  • Vidiot
    Brokeback WT - "...the nightmare stage... (?)..."

    Hard to imagine otherwise, despite anything Morpheus says.

  • Vidiot

    BTW, as far as the WTS is concerned, they have no reason to be "sorry"...

    ...they were following "Biblical standards", and therefore did everything correctly.

    (my eyes just rolled so hard, I saw my own brain)

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