Why I hate The Tooth Fairy

by Valis 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    guess the tooth fairy is mad at me or something...it may be that she wanted the whole tooth and not just the part that broke off. The last time I went to the dentist it was bad...The dentist was trying to take out my wisdom tooth, she eventually had to break it to get it out...I'm thinking she cracked the one next to it...

    I know I haven't been posting as I thought I would wait and take a step back from the board, but today I needed the comforting voices of my friends. Perhaps on of you has the hook up w/the tooth fairy and can get that bitch off my back! *LOL* Have a good day everyone..

    V. of the "Going Dental Mental" class

  • Ravyn

    Hey Valis!

    sweetie get yourself some Clove Oil. It is an anesthetic, and an antiseptic. Dilute it tho or it can burn your gums. It will numb your whole mouth if you use too much. But what I do is dip a piece of floss in it and use it up under the gum where the pain is. If you can't get the oil--usually at a Health Food Store, altho I have seen food-grade at some 'mom-and-pop-ish' drug stores-- you can suck on a whole clove. I have packed the cavity of an extraction with it and prevented dry socket and infection. Really works. Everyone should have clove oil in their medicine chest.


  • SpannerintheWorks

    Hi, Valis. I'm afraid I do not understand why you hate The Tooth Fairy. Do you feel

    that she has a personal vendetta against you or something? If that is true, I would

    value that as an honour. However, if that is not so, then what's the problem? Make

    an appointment to see your shrink; it may cost more, but at least you'll get an

    appointment first thing Monday morning! Psst...and the shrink will u.n.d.e.r.s.t.a.n.d...


  • Valis

    Ravyn, that's a good idea...thanks much.

    Spanner...*LOL*...I may just do that..*LOL*


    District Overbeer of the "Peridonticaly Pissed" class

  • shamus

    I hate the tooth fairy too.

    One year, after my departure from the Dubs, I went out on Halloween as the tooth fairy, after seeing a Saturday Night Live episode with Eddie Murphy as the tooth fairy.

    Long story short, my first halloween in years, I was on a mission. To get ripped! I got soooo pissed.... then got dressed up in a tu-tu, white tights, I had everything.... I looked like an ass. Then we went over to a buddy's house, and smoked some mary-jane... LOTS! I was sooo messed up I only lasted about 1/2 an hour at the bar and had to go puke. So I went outside and layed in my car for the rest of the night, whilst bar patrons were going to/from their cars all around me.

    Thankfully nobody noticed me, but it was pure hell for hours. I had to lay on the floor of my car, dizzy and sick.... passed out.

    The moral of the story?

    The tooth fairy sucks big time. She hates me, and got sweet revenge for impersonation.

    Shamus... (still horrified that I did that...)

  • onacruse

    Yeah, like Ravyn said...clove oil is incredible. I had a dry socket once, and clove made the pain go away in seconds!

    My teeth are very fragile (too many fillings) and I have pieces of molars breaking off all the time...pretty soon I'll have nothing but crowns! LOL

    But Valis, I see what the real issue is here:

    it is hard to drink beer

    Does this mean that you must relinquish your position as District Overbeer????




    Awwwww.....Valis!!!! Sorry to hear about your toothy troubles...


    There....Are you better now??? Huh...? Huh...?


  • Valis

    Estee...yes please and thank you..

    onanism...*LOL* not a chance.....don't get any ideas pal..and yes you've hit the nerve as it were..eheh


    District Overbeer

  • SpannerintheWorks


    Does this mean that you must relinquish your position as District Overbeer????

    So now we know the REAL reason why Valis hates the Tooth Fairy!


  • SpannerintheWorks

    MMM...just cracking open another bottle of ICE-COLD BEER!!!

    SO GOOD!!!

    Want some Valis? He He!


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