The Natural Law fallacy and Homosexuality

by JanH 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • dshields1

    Hello JanH,

    I tend to disagree with your statement. For argument's sake lets say that you were into having sex with animals for example or possibly a flaming pedophile. Just because you felt really strongly about your relationship with "ole Bessie" the cow doesn't mean that I am rejecting you when I show my distaste for your sexual preferences.

    In all seriousness I formerly had very strong homophobia because of my being raised in the Watchtower organization. Although I still believe that homosexuality is a sin (as the apostle Paul pointed out) I don't believe it is any more a sin than someone who cheats on a spouse for example.


  • XJWBill

    Doug, I appreciate your more tolerant view of homosexuality now that you've left the WT. However, I don't think you really mean what you're saying in your first statement.

    As a society, we very much DO, in fact, reject pedophiles (as one example) in their totality. If it comes to your attention that a friend, neighbor, or workmate is indeed a practicing pedophile, are you going to keep on going bowling with him? Watch a ball game with him? Invite him over for dinner, whether you have kids at home or not? I think not, unless he's a very close friend and trying to change.

    Not only will such a person be shunned by family and friends--and rightly so--but he is also subject to sanctions by the greater society, such as jail and fines. In Florida, the law now says pedophiles can be kept indefinitely--perhaps for life--in a mental facility AFTER they have served their jail sentence, without further court order. Many states now post pedophiles' pictures on the Web for everyone to see, along with their street addresses. Here in Texas, the Legislature is currently considering a bill to require convicted pedophiles to post a sign in front of their homes--"Warning--Pedophile lives here."

    What else can you call this treatment by individuals and society but "rejection of you, the pedophile"?

    My point is not to defend pedophiles--simply to point out that rejecting a person's sexuality IS indeed a rejection of that person. The real point at issue is which brands of sexuality are truly deserving of such rejection.


    "If we all loved one another as much as we say we love God, I reckon there wouldn't be as much meanness in the world as there is."--from the movie Resurrection (1979)

  • SanFranciscoJim
    "Although I still believe that homosexuality is a sin (as the apostle Paul pointed out)...."

    How many times do I need to point out that the Apostle Paul was not pointing out that homosexuality is a "sin"? Why do people insist on taking translations from the original languages of Hebrew and Greek at face value?
    I guess the answer is: Because, being heterosexual themselves, studying these scriptures does not directly affect them, and therefore to Hell with us gays.
    Sorry to be so blunt, but that's how it appears to me, and I'm damned sick of it. Prejudice is prejudice, regardless of whether it's motivated by race, gender, age, nationality, or sexual identity.... and it's just as ugly in any form.

  • RedhorseWoman
    I guess the answer is: Because, being heterosexual themselves, studying these scriptures does not directly affect them, and therefore to Hell with us gays.

    Then there are those of us who are heterosexual, but who have friends and/or family who are gay, and we come to realize that there must be something wrong with the interpretations of scriptures we previously believed.

    Hopefully, more "straight" people will find that they, too, have a stake in investigating their beliefs because they find that those beliefs do not mesh with reality.


  • SanFranciscoJim

    Thank you for bringing me back to reality, Redhorsewoman. I guess I'm just in a grumpy mood today. Didn't mean that statement to sound all-encompassing of all heterosexuals. If I did that, I'd be no better than those straights who lump all us queers together.....

  • dshields1

    Hey SJ-Jim,

    I'm sorry that what I wrote got you angry. After reading your post regarding mine I decided to research what Paul actually said. What I found interested me and might just interest you.

    Thayer's Greek Lexicon gives the word translated "homosexuals" in 1 Tim 1:10 and 1 Cor 6:9 as "arsenokoites". This word is taken from two words the first being "arsen" meaning "man" or "male" and the second word "koites" meaning "lie down" or "marriage bed". The meaning of the words when put together is quite obvious. The Greek, "Koites" and English, "Coitus" are related.

    At 1 Timothy 1:9-10 we see how Paul lumps different sins together:

    "in the knowledge of this fact, that law is promulgated, not for a righteous man, but for persons lawless and unruly, ungodly and sinners, lacking loving kindness, and profane, murderers of mothers, manslayers, fornicators, men who lie with males (arsenokoites), kidnapers, liars, false swearers, and whatever other thing is in opposition to the healthful teaching..." (NWT)

    At 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 we see this shown again:

    "What! Do you not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God's kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, or men who lie with men(arsenokoites), nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God's kingdom." (NWT)

    I think it is safe to say that these ones practicing "arsenokoites" are in pretty bad company at least in the eyes of the apostle Paul.

    When you lump these two with Old Testament scriptures such as Genesis 13:13, 19:5 you begin to see a pattern.

    According to the outcome of Sodom and Gomorrah, God doesn't seem to be particularly fond of homosexuals. Check out Jude 1:7 where it says:

    "just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh (Greek "opiso sarkos" meaning literally "behind flesh or flesh behind") are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire." (NWT)

    I know that my opinion isn't politically correct. I'm okay with that. Jesus wasn't politically correct. In fact He was probably the least politically correct of His whole generation. One of the most impressive things that Jesus Christ did was when the prostitute was brought before him by the Pharisees. He didn't condemn her. Yet He did say "sin no more."

    I have had some really good friends who I know are homosexual. I accept their choice as just that. My choice is to be a Christian and to follow the guidelines of the scriptures. I don't judge anyone as being deserving of life or death. I'm very happy that that job is in Jesus Christ's hands. Sin is sin. Nothing more and nothing less. Those who PRACTICE sin will not inherit the kingdom of God. We all have our own problems and our own sinful nature to contend with.

    As for those who would classify homosexuality as something far worse than adultery for example, I just have this to say: We all have our way of justifying our own sinfulness by attempting to magnify the sins of others. I agree with your assertion that certain "heteros" are on a gay bashing spree. It's an easy sin to bash. However, greediness is also a sin as well as lying, cheating, stealing etc.

    That is just my take on the whole matter. This is MY research and no one else's. Unlike certain people (NOT YOU) on this discussion board who merely parrot other's arguments I choose to use the conclusions that I have come to in my own research.

    SJ, I have a tremendous amount of respect for anyone who can leave the JW's with their sanity intact. I may not agree with your sexual pursuasion but I do respect you alot. I have read several of your posts and they are filled with warmth and intelligence.



  • waiting

    hey doug,

    Nice to meet you - even though you're name is the same as my ex-husband (ug-doug.) Well, I'll put my age-old animosity aside and hope you're not him. What am I saying???? Of course you're not him - you're coherent!

    Well, back to the subject......

    According to the outcome of Sodom and Gomorrah, God doesn't seem to be particularly fond of homosexuals. Check out Jude 1:7 where it says:

    "just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh (Greek "opiso sarkos" meaning literally "behind flesh or flesh behind") are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire." (NWT)

    Genesis 19:4 - Before they could lie down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, from boy to old man, all the people in one mob.

    Lot offered his two virgin daughters to the men, but they all refused. They wanted to have intercourse with the two male strangers in their city and they would not leave the vacinity of Lot's house - hammering at the doors etc.

    With this in mind - it's a common conclusion to assume that all the men of the city were flaming homosexuals. But some of the questions which beg to be asked are:

    ALL the men and boys, even old men, in Sodom were violent homosexuals (wanting to rape the strangers)?

    Where did the *boys* come from?

    How did that city survive generations with only homosexuals?

    Why would a city of violent homosexuals become a city in the first place?

    Is there another city of that type known in history other than this account? Even if Gomorrah is considered - they still were close in proximity and time.

    It would be stretching credulity to assume that Lot was the only heterosexual man in all of Sodom.

    The reason this came up was that we were discussing the law of rape in the OT and the WTBTS rendering of this law yes/no for decades. Women had to scream, remember? Then the WTBTS put women under the Mosaic Law, and said they had to scream to prove their spiritual cleanliness before Jehovah. Then the WTBTS said they didn't have to scream, did, didn't, did, didn't, did, didn't. Well, you get the picture.

    But something of significance was missing! Where were the men defending their spiritual cleanliness before Jehovah in the Mosaic Law? The WTBTS Law?

    An Example: You and your wife/daughter/girlfriend are walking down the street, and some men like those in Sodom press you both into a dark alley. Under the Mosaic Law, the female would have to scream to prove herself. You, however, could bend over and "take it like a man" - and nobody would even have to question your spiritual cleanliness.

    Why is the female under a different law than the male? Why is the male not even mentioned under the Mosaic/WTBTS rape law?

    One man responded about what life was like in the age of the ancients. It was not uncommon for a stranger to come to town - and be gang raped by the men of the town. The men were not homosexuals and were really not interested in sex. The men were showing their dominance over the stranger and wanted to subdue and humilate the uppidty stranger who had the audacity to come to their town. It worked - as any rape victim knows.

    Thus, an opinion could be put forth that the men writers of the Bible put women under the law of screaming to prove her cleanliness, but the man didn't have to prove himself because anal rape was a common occurence for men. History suggests that it was a common occurence - as the occurence of the Greeks & Romans taking young boys and training them as soldiers, and buggering them at the same time.

    I don't think a lot of the principles in the Bible can be viewed narrowly from our 2100 eyes. Times, and peoples, were different back then.


  • dshields1

    Hi Waiting!

    I'm honored that you have chosen to respond to my post with my being a JUNIOR member and all.

    Your theory about a "pecking order" if you will excuse my horrid pun, is quite interesting. However, the scriptures seem to single out only Sodom and Gomorrah. I agree with you that there had to be some heterosexuals in the city but apparently not enough to hold back the wrath of God. Another thought which just came to me is that quite possibly they were on the whole bisexuals. This seemed to be the case with the Greek and Roman empires as well. This would explain the fact that there were boys as well as men in the city.

    I have always personally had a problem with Lot's act of offering his daughter's to the men in place of the angels. (He may have known that they were bisexual and this was his way of appeasing them.) Of course this disrespect for women is seen throughout the old testament i.e. Abraham and Haggar etc. The fact that Christ mentioned what Moses did in granting divorce certificates and spoke of it as being because of the "hardness of your hearts" gives us some idea of the way God feels about women.

    The crap that the Watchtower blows out it's theocratic hole is nothing more than a combination of mosaic law and man made drivel. They don't realize that we are under the law of grace and are no longer under the mosaic law covenant. Out of one side of their mouth's they shout that they are saved by grace and then like the Judaizer's of Paul's day they go right back to the law to seek justification by works. This has resulted in a GRACE + WORKS = SALVATION mentality. However, rather than adopt the whole mosaic law covenant they pick and choose specific enforceable laws such as abstaining from blood, bloodguilt, screaming when raped, etc. Supposedly by living by these laws the "great crowd" are going to gain their salvation. Of course the male slant is and always will be present because of the structure of the Watchtower itself. Remember the sex laws of the 80's? This was clearly another attempt by the Watchtower to control their flock and keep them on the defensive. By imposing their own antiquated views on sex the Governing Body created it's own little mini law.

    Song sung to a JW trying to get into heaven/paradise via going door-to-door instead of faith in Jesus Christ.


    Warm regards,

    Doug Shields

  • SixofNine

    And you believe these stories are from the Creator? Why?

  • waiting

    hey junior doug,

    However, the scriptures seem to single out only Sodom and Gomorrah. - doug

    "just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh (Greek "opiso sarkos" meaning literally "behind flesh or flesh behind") are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire." (NWT)- doug

    The Bible says they were destroyed for several different reasons.

    I agree with you that there had to be hetersexuals in that city.

    Genesis, "the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, from boy to old man, all the people in one mob."

    That's not what Genesis said - it said "all the people in one mob." All the men.

    Agreed on the bisexual point - but I think the vast majority of persons can be bisexual if they wish.

    I personally don't take the Bible literally anymore. I was just putting forth the discussion we had. Interestingly, you didn't make mention of the fact that the Mosaic Law allowed men to be raped without proving their spirituality - but women had to scream even to the point of death.

    Since you seem to be a Bible believer, your thoughts on that discrepancy?


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