Good memories of full-time service?

by fulano 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • fulano

    I understand your situation when you are saying you were forced to go out in field service. I graduated from high school in June 1976. My parents didn’t give me a brake. I had to do aux.p. , I think it was 75 hours a month. 16 Years old ...a hot summer and nobody to go with me. Parents? They may burn in hell...

  • blondie

    I found that even the other regular pioneers just spent minimum time, 45 minutes, took a break for an hour, then called again on someone they had talked to before, probably 3 months before, that they knew would not be home. They recorded their time as starting from the moment they walked out their door until they walked back into their home again. I found it hard to copy their tactics and feel honest about it.

    That's why I found reasons to go by myself, only 3 people/2 going out together/so I was on my own, only pioneers who made it clear I was not welcome in their group, only had time open to go when others did not go out. It was great after that.

    What was that called, counting time not making time count

  • WTWizard

    I have been around it enough that, even though I myself never did it, I saw the bad effects. Putting in 90 hours a month for joke-hova would ruin life for everyone. I saw one pious-sneer couple (the idiots that dragged me into the cancer in the first place) that were ultra strict, trying to get me into the strictest interpretation of the rules. Their family fell apart after only 4 years of marriage--so much for the truth setting one free.

    And they were all rather grouchy and tired all the time. I saw one married couple that gave up having children for this rubbish, and now they are too old to have any (and probably regretting it). Another waited until age 40 to get married, again because of pious-sneering and again too late to do much in the way of a family. I have seen the poverty that this leads to. Putting in 90 hours a month having your energy harvested to advance the reptilians' plan to take complete control of this earth leaves nothing left to work, and leads to plenty of colds and flu. The big scramble to get field circus time in March through June was a negative that I could feel, even as a jokehovian (and something I dreaded).

    Not to mention the children in it. I remember one whose mother aux pious-sneered for the month, during which children had spring recess from school. I was out in field circus every weekday afternoon that week, and this idiot dragged her son out in field circus every single day (that was when there were no 30-hour pious-sneer specials--you had to get 60 hours during the month). Her son was obviously quite restless, playing with sticks and things (harmlessly, drawing lines in the mud with them) and got plenty of spankings and threats for more later. I definitely find it not worth it, and I wasn't even baptized at the time.

  • eyeuse2badub

    I was so fu*king indoctrinated that I actually felt euphoric about being a pioneer for a few years before going to jail "for my faith"! Getting that 100 hours a month out in preaching was the ultimate high------until it wasn't!

    just saying!

  • iwantoutnow

    I must say I do have some good memories of being a Pioneer.

    FYI - I mostly hated door to door, hated it.

    But I LOVED hanging out with some friends who also pioneered.

    I loved hanging out with my wife who was a pioneer.

    I loved breaks!!!! It was not hard to have many of them:)

    It was not only OK to work very little, and live in my inlaws home, but I was PRAISED FOR IT!!!

    It was like being a Teenager still!!

    Being a JW makes it easy to IGNORE normal Responsibilities and Feel Great About It!

    Of course - now it is amazingly painful because I WASTED MY LIFE - and I am in a horrible Financial Mess in my 50 because of it.

  • dozy

    I always hated the ministry but at a "in-between jobs" time of my life decided to sign up , initially as a auxiliary pioneer for a few months and then a regular pioneer for 18 months or so. It was at a time when there was a really buzzing "pioneer spirit" in the congregation so from that point of view it was OK from a social standpoint as there were a few other young ones.

    The best times were just travelling around in a car with other pioneers doing "route calls" - you could get many hours in this way and it was good fun , especially as we took long breaks. The worst was "first call" , especially if you were paired with one of the more nutjob types in the congregation.

    I hated the constant hour demands - it was 90 hours a month back then , so if you were working ( secularly ) one day , you basically needed to do 6 hours ministry the next day to catch up. Even with all the typical pioneer tricks to pad out my report , I always struggled to get the time in.

    Eventually , just after going to the pioneer school ironically , I found a full time job - to be honest it was a huge relief to come off the pioneer list. Looking back - it was a huge waste of time , effort and expense.

  • LongHairGal


    Yours is one of the most honest things I have read about people pioneering in the JW religion. I also hated the door to door work...I didn’t get many hours in since I worked.

    Thank you for admitting you loved having NO responsibility. (I’m sure you loved Jehovah too.)..I always felt that love of the carefree life was a motivating factor for many Witnesses pioneering.. In fact, I had a sister practically say as much to me..There were Witnesses who would rather have died than work full time like I did...Well, I hope they can pay their bills NOW!

    I hope your financial situation improves. I know it’s not easy..You’ll have to play a game of catch-up saving money I’m afraid- so you can retire at some point. Good luck to you.

  • iwantoutnow
    Thank you for admitting you loved having NO responsibility. (I’m sure you loved Jehovah too.)..I always felt that love of the carefree life was a motivating factor for many Witnesses pioneering

    It is sadly so true. Everything about being a JW is about shirking normal responsibilities (if your "spiritual")

    Pioneering is EASY, being an ELDER is easy. (compared to real life)

    It's all simple makework in which you are not graded on, evaluated, or accountable in any meaningful way.

    You are praised for wasting your time doing nothing.

    LongHairGal - Thanks for the well wishes, I appreciate it! Getting out of the cult around 50, never having saved, or planned for the future makes a game of catchup only possible if I strike gold:)

    I am just happy I got out before my kids (we had them late cuz keeping kingdom interests first) were damaged and would have missed out on a normal life.

    "Just slaving for the lord" = Just wasting time, being lazy, and peeling off calendar days till the Big A comes!

    THEN - we can all Live in a big house with a Stream running through it!

  • iwantoutnow

    After reading these comments even,

    who says this is a Harmless Cult.

    Bull SHIT!!

  • Ding

    It's never enough.

    You could always have put in another hour...

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