The Jehovah’s Witness bagged themselves a Big One when they got Professor Raj Kalaria, to speak about his belief

by Watchtower-Free 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Watchtower-Free

    UK scientist helps Christian cult to promote creationism

    The Jehovah’s Witness bagged themselves a Big One when they got Professor Raj Kalaria, above, to speak about his belief in creationism in a new video posted online by the cult.

    Keralia is currently a deputy director of the Newcastle Centre for Brain Ageing and Vitality, Newcastle, and a professor of neuropathology at Newcastle University, UK.

    When ex-Jehovah’s Witness Lloyd Evans, who runs JWsurvey, discovered that an April 2016 JW Broadcasting episode featured Keralia, he decided to:

    Reach out to Newcastle University to find out whether it endorses the academic’s stance on evolution, and found myself in a rather frustrating email exchange with Helen Rae, the Media Relations Manager at the University’s Faculty of Medical Sciences .

    After much to-ing and fro-ing, an official statement was finally forthcoming …

    Dear Lloyd,

    Please see the comment below.

    A Newcastle University spokesperson said: ‘Academic freedom, which is written into Newcastle University’s statutes, allows all academic staff freedom to put forward opinions that do not necessarily represent the University.’

    Best wishes, Helen.

    Evans replied…

    Thank you Helen.

    Forgive me, but do you have any comment on Professor Kalaria saying ‘we’, thereby implying the support of his colleagues for his findings?

    And does Newcastle University support Professor Kalaria’s anti-evolution views, or not?

    The answer?

    We have nothing further to add other than the statement provided.

    Said Lloyd:

    Though I can understand Helen’s awkward position as someone who shares a payroll with Professor Kalaria, I do feel saddened that, in this age of political correctness, Newcastle University is not able to be more robust in distancing itself from a piece of propaganda aimed at indoctrinating an entire generation to view science with suspicion.


    In the video – which also features Ukrainian zoologist Yaroslav Dovhanych, above – Kalaria, born into a Hindu family, said he could not get his head around the battalions of gods that form the basis of Hinduism, so, after reading the Bible, decided that there could only be One True God, and this was the one that created things as complex as the human brain. Also:

    The Bible also gives us peace of mind and a purpose in life.

    Meanwhile, Dovhanych claims that the Bible is “very old … thousands of years old” yet:

    It’s contents are accurate and authentic to this day. And the Bible contains many prophesies which history confirms have been fulfilled exactly as the Bible foretold. So these predictions must have been made by someone whose abilities are far greater than man’s.

  • Crazyguy
    Just another idiot!
  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Interesting. . .

    At Lehigh University, PA (not to far from where I live) they have an full page disclaimer regarding Micahel Behe (ID professor who the cult and other creationists quote a lot).

    Much stronger statement than the Newcastle U response.

  • stuckinarut2
    Wonder if it will be another Ramah Singh situation?
  • M*A*S*H
    I wonder what the people in the people section here think...
  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Ooh, are you sad? Are you all crying? Awwww....


  • DesirousOfChange

    Ooh, are you sad? Are you all crying? Awwww....

    F*ck no! Makes me realize that despite missing out on a decent college education, I'm still smarter than the professors cited above. To have a $100,000 education, teach at a university, and still be that stupid..........well....THAT would be embarrassing.


  • TheOldHippie
    So in the opinion of Lehigh University, evolution has been tested scientifically?
  • Phizzy

    I would have thought so, very much, Old Hippie.

    Evolution by Natural Selection has been rigourously tested by the Scientific method. And as the evidence pours in, the Theory expands, but is not eroded in any way.

  • konceptual99

    What is incredibly frustrating about content like this is that there is zero detail on exactly what it was that changed the minds of these people. What aspect of their research demonstrated to them that the majority view was flawed and the creation narrative had merit? Have they found something that debunked the debunked or have they simply fallen into the same traps countless others have?

    I respect the view that perhaps some things could be perceived to be too complex to evolve and that one may not accept the hypothesis or theories associated with that specific subject. The question you have to ask, however, is how that individual subject fits in with the rest of the narrative. If that one small aspect of science causes you to consider an intelligent designer then what are the implications? How does that fit with the rest of science? How does it fit with what one observes about humanity? Are you going to believe in some fairly nebulous concept of an intelligent designer with little influence now or are you going to conclude that there is a God who genuinely cares about people and is about to prove it by killing billions of them so a limited few can cuddle lions?

    I really want to know what the slam dunk proof that evolution is completely wrong is. I really want to know why it's not plastered all over the JW.ORG website as a massive middle finger to entire scientific community. It might be the one thing that reverses my complete loss of faith and belief.

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