Ridiculous (degrading) comment on society's video

by Festus 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FedUpJW

    If Watchtower is to be believed, people only go to University to have sex and make a lots of money

    In WT-world, the only - ONLY - ONLY reason that anyone has ever and will ever attend any university is because they want to become obscenely wealthy and/or "make a name for themselves".

    ...oh, and don't forget to have even more sex.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    This demonstrates to the world (if only they read it) how totally naive the JW organisation really is. Who in their right mind condemns critical reasoning and attending university?

    Because a higher education would expose their logical flaws, their only defence is attack-- all they are able to do in the columns of the Watchtower is throw bricks at the idea. The JWs are numbskulls and proud of it.

    If they were to adopt and implement the vital ingredient of critical analysis of evidence, as demanded by higher education establishments, their literature would entirely change its tone, it could not be propagandistic any more, it could not quote the Bible as an authority! It could not say that God's kingdom is ruling and that Armageddon is round the corner.

    They would have to admit there is no tangible evidence for these fictions. Critical though would result in dissolving their cash cow religion and letting all of their eight and a half million prisoners free.

    What a better place the world would be if people had solid evidence for what they believed and the gb woke up!

  • Listener

    There are some really creepy comments by one of the GB helpers. He says that their education 'has the power to 'tame eagles and create humility within the student'. The students 'become more trusted by the Organization'.

    I bet Scientology feels the same way about their courses, the only difference is that it's a lot cheaper to be brainwashed by the Watchtower than Scientology.

    If JWs aren't already putty in their hands then they're certainly going to be after going through one of their schools. It's no wonder that a person has to 'qualify' to attend these indoctrination sessions by already demonstrating their submissiveness to the organization.

  • smiddy

    The university representative`s statement was more than likely taken out of context and mis-quoted as is WT`s normal practice .

    That is if the conversation really ever took place in the first place

  • pale.emperor

    The university representative`s statement was more than likely taken out of context and mis-quoted as is WT`s normal practice .

    That is if the conversation really ever took place in the first place

    Agreed. Any educational video or textbook worth its salt cites its sources. Even Ray Franz did (a lot) in Crises Of Conscience. And THAT'S what assured me that i wasn't reading "apostate driven lies".

  • jwleaks

    I remember Watchtower's Theocratic Ministry School. Lots of hype, lots of promises. The school has since folded without producing one single graduate.

  • Chook

    I remember doing those exams at the kh 25 years ago, I think they were once a month. The cult treadmill was never ending.

  • ttdtt


    Yea - how many times did we hear proudly - "this is a school you never graduate from"

    Why? Is public speaking harder than Astrophysics (which you do graduate from)?

    It was just a mechanism to control your life - with the same refrain - You can NEVER do or BE ENOUGH!

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Jehovah's Witnesses are so ignorant they do not know what education is. They imagine it means believing what the GB says. That is not education, that is educational suicide.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    That's it boys... publish this stuff on jw.org, then hand out leaflets inviting the public to take an inside look at jw world.

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