Why does the Government *OWE* You?

by teenyuck 38 Replies latest social current

  • Jayson
    But there's a mentality today that says that the government should be our mommy and daddy and take care of every aspect of our lives. And the more we embrace that philosophy, the more power we give the government in regulating our lives. In my opinion, we've already gone too far down that road.-Neonmadman

    I agree with that. Talking about "the bad guys" the government can't always protect you. Sometimes even in this you have to rely on yourself. So, you are right.

  • DakotaRed

    All the government owes me is to live up to their promise of the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, nothing else. The more they're out of my way, the happier I am.

    To any who believe they are owed something because they paid taxes, think again. You aren't buying anything, but being required to share what you earn with others. Until 1911, you weren't required to share your wealth.

    All they owe me is to stay the hell out of my way.

  • donkey

    I fund the government...they owe me what I pay for.


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    The reality is that government should only owe you military protection from those outside the country, protection of your private property rights, and protection from those acting outside the law. I think you can make a legitimate case for fire departments, road building, etc. but that can and has gotten completely out of control. All of that stuff can be, and has been, successfully handled by the private sector. Minimal government is the path to liberty.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Why does the Government *OWE* You?

    Answer: The Government does not in MHO, owe me anything. ---- If I am left alone and not harassed, bothered, excessively taxed, experimented on for National Security reasons or for any other reason, rights and freedoms left intact and not taken away, not lied to, not cheated by the political arse holes, land and personal property not taken away by "hook or crook--big Gov."..........etc. If these things are not taken from me or done to me and mine, the Government owes me nothing!

    However, If any of the above does happen: I am owed for the following:

    1. Military service. Special & Covert Ops and special actions.......

    2. Enduring physical torture by the above assignments as part of my service and agreement.

    3. 100% free medical by qualified doctors that have NO agenda.

    4. All of the benefits that the illegal aliens from other countries seem to get free of charge and paid for over the years by the American taxpayer. And all the time the American citizen gets squat and no help at all unless there is a political agenda tied into it in some way.

    5. Free insurance from all of the insurance companies that have raped the American people for the past thirty years by buying political favors and help and because of the death caused by the insurance companies from lack of coverage to pay for needed medical services.

    6. Six through number ten are classified requests and demands. (don't even ask) what)

    I could go on but, why? I haven't even started about how an "official investigation" should be started into the crap caused by the WTB&TS!!!!!

    Mr. KIM

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    This statement applies:

    The way things should be..............

    "Life, freedom, family, personal property and the relentless, unmerciful, ruthless pursuit of anyone that threatens any part thereof."

    Nuff said.....................

  • funkyderek

    That government governs best which governs least.

    The job of the government is simply to protect the rights of its citizens. Those rights can be summed up as the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Not the right to free housing, education, entertainment or a pension. I can get those myself, or I could if the government would just leave me alone.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Thanks Teenyuck for throwing a bone to us with 'some' meat on it.

    Guest 77

  • Yerusalyim

    Ya'll knew I'd weigh in on this issue. OWED the US Citizens, a STRONG defense against external and internal aggression. The protection of individual and communal rights. Protection of our borders (I'm not against immigration, the US economy needs the migrant workers, I'm against ILLEGAL immigration...There are methods that would allow the migrant workers in the US without compromising security). Regulation of buisness only to the point that it is fair and equitable and safe. A MINIMAL security net so we don't have people dying in the streets of hunger. Since I'm PAYING 1/2 my Social Security, I'd like to get at least an even dollar value back...somehow I doubt I will.

    The government does NOT owe the US citizens Free food, Free housing, Free insurance, Free prescription drugs..etc etc etc, because IT ISN'T FREE...somebody is paying for it. If you want all those ridiculous "Entitlement" programs you need look no further than California to see the Socialist dream state...California has a higher deficit than all the other 49 state combined. (goodbye Governor Gray Davis). What has been lost on many Americans is this sense of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Why does San Francisco give money to the homeless? IF they feel this grand need to spend money on the homeless build shelters (that most of them won't stay in). My Mom and Dad worked hard all their lives, saving as they could, their home is paid for, their car is paid for, they have money in the bank, they have insurance, they don't expect handouts from the government. I wish EVERYONE felt that way.

    In the military we have the saying "Freedom isn't Free" well, neither is BIG GOVERNMENT. All these entitlements cost BIG MONEY. Socialism has set Germany on it's hind end. A friend of mine, single, who doesn't pay the church tax in Germany pays right at about 50% of his income in taxes. Are your ready for that level of taxation?

  • Nikita

    Tina, I always enjoy your threads! You have a way of getting me thinking.

    I have a hard time putting down my thoughts and you always seem to capture the "essence" of what I feel about things.


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