Did You Really Believe in The 1975 Rhetoric?

by Guest 77 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    Well I am "still in the truth" but was not in 1975. Baptised in the mid -80s but dates were not a big deal to me. 1994 though required me to do quite a bit of shepherdinfg as I was an elder at the time (and do not believe anything you are told ---1994 WAS a big deal to a lot of the brothers and sisters) -- in the end when I had to teach 607 BCE from the platform - I just could not in good conscience teach it -- so I resigned as an elder (and there were other reasons as I have posted on this board). It has zero evidence for it so I suppose I have contradicted myself in that dates are a big deal. The generation change and 1994 did matter and if you do graphs in Europe/Canada/Australia (1993-2003) , the publisher hours have been drifting lower ever since that date

  • stillajwexelder

    "It's the same today. There are two kinds of witnesses now; those who expect the end to come soon, and those who don't. The former tend to be arch-conservatives and extremely strict in their interpretation of bible doctrine. The latter are much more liberal in their outlook and laissez-faire with respect to "the rules."

    Wilyloman is correct -- this is a good way of putting it and in my opinion it is a fair assessment

  • DFWnonJW

    I was about 15 at the time and I think I was the only one that LEFT the WT in right around '75. I fully believed it just like so many others but I just didn't belong there. So, I knew I was a goner. After 1975, instead of being able to breathe a sigh of relief, all I heard was that it just meant that the end was even closer now. PSST...it still is! WOLF! ..... WOLF!

    This topic came up a couple of years ago between my brother and mother. My mom said she never even knew anything about 1975!! Absolutely unbelievable but I see now that that is not an uncommon thing. (we gladly brought this to her attention and helped her remember)

    Remember Henry Kissinger stating that "Peace is at hand!" ? (I just looked it up and it was Oct. 1972). Think that didn't get a whole lot of jw's saying that this is it? It did! And just look at the timing...the END was expected in the fall of 1975 - only 3 yrs to go...yep, a sure sign. That was (a part of) the speculation I remember hearing here in Dallas and you know how everything was made to seem so certain and that they were the only ones clued in to what things REALLY meant. <wink, wink, nudge, nudge>

    aaaYeahp, 1975. A date that will live in WT infamy. Guess you had to be there though. And realizing that made me understand just what so many earlier witnesses and also the early Bible Students must have felt when their armageddons didn't come either. Shame on you WT... let me hear ya say WOLF!

  • caligirl

    Since I was 2 at the time, I don't have any specific memory of that year, but I know it had something to do with my parents becoming witnesses. As I was making my exit, I had conversations with a few people who had cashed in their life insurance policies just before that and were still hurting financially from that decision.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    As a young impressionable mind, I did believe everything the borg told us without question. As 1975 came and went I slowly came to the realization that what I believe up to this point in my life, was all a bunch of BS. Then they the GB didn't even have the guts to admit to their mistake. To this day my sister still buys all the crap and has a different perspective on what was said at the time. I just think it is just selective memory.


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Nope, not for a minute. A lot of people did though, course they all developed real convenient lapses of memory by the time 1976 rolled around.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    I'm glad to know that not all people are gullible. I don't mean this to be demeaning to others who believed in the 1975 fiasco. Deception and misinformation is a great tool to control people.

    It's unbelievable how people keep trying to get away with scaming others. I happened to be watching this mornings news about telemarketing scams, this one scammer was being video taped and he lied his ass off when questioned by a reporter as to why he gets 90% of the take. He denied it. To top it off, he said, he's protected by the first amendment! Isn't that a beaut.

    I guess it's, 'Buyer Beware' in everything.

    gUEST 77

  • tazmaniac

    I came in shortly after 75 so no I didnt believe in 75 rhetoric. My dad however had 1975 material taped on his bedroom mirror. He was not a JW but read the pubs all the time. He never became a JW. I did. I guess I had the extra gene for stupidity. LOL

  • kilroy2

    I live in northern michigan ,

    there was so many people who moved to the north to get away from the [confusion] to take place in the evil citys.

    Norm guardner and lorna. karl kunde and gene.. sweed nielson and family. bob irvin and family. bob jhonson and family. jerry woods and family. hollaways.

    and the list goes on and on. they all moved to the north to get away form the trouble that would start in 75

    I always thought it was funny that they were suposed to trust in ja no matter where they were but they moved to the north to[where the need was great.] ya right and I am part of the gb

    people lie. and witness lie more.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    My older brother, who left the borg back in the early to mid 60's claims that they were pushing the 1975 thing then. He said for years after that he used to wake up in the middle of the night with night mares to do with Armageddon. (Yeah some loving organization that scares the crap out of people). Although my brother is a bit of a BSer, I have no reason to doubt him on this one.


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