Sleep Habits

by snowbird 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    This thread is inspired by a beloved poster who said he managed to sleep all through yesternight.

    How about you, do you sleep through the night?

    Each morning, around 2 am, it's as if a hand shakes me awake.

    I became accustomed to arising at that time to take care of my semi-invalid mother.

    She passed nearly 12 years ago, but my body? mind? still thinks I have to get it done.

  • RubaDub

    For what it's worth, I go to sleep around 11PM, pee at 12:30AM and then again around 4AM.

    Maybe it's the male prostate thing but I do pee like a racehorse (maybe it's the late-night beer).

    Rub a Dub

  • just fine
    just fine

    I very rarely have trouble sleeping. At home I get into bed and am out in a few minutes.

    I travel a lot for work too and usually sleep well at hotels too. On my last trip the rest of my traveling companions were awakened every night by a train, I didn't hear anything.

    i do sleep with a fan on at home and in hotels put the fan on continuous run.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    How about you, do you sleep through the night? - usually, yes, about 8 hours sleep.

    But I've hurt my ankle/foot recently and last night I was in pain and I only got 4 hours sleep. I woke up at 5 am and couldn't get back to sleep again; then I slept from 9 am to 11 am.

  • snowbird

    Rub, that's my estranged mate to a T.

    JustFine, one of my grandsons could sleep through a tornado!

    LUHE, I'm sorry about that. Pain seems to worsen at night.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Thanks, Snowbird.

    Pain seems to worsen at night - yes, I'm finding this out.

    Yesterday I took it easy, walking to the town's library to do a job search online (remembering to take my shoe off when I was sat at the computer), then I walked home and rested my foot. Last night, for some reason, it was agony - like it seized up.

    I'm currently watching my football team play (well, reading The Guardian's minute by minute update because I don't have a TV licence) and working my way through a bottle of French red - that'll hopefully deal with the pain!

  • snowbird


    Take care, friend.

  • RubaDub

    snowbird ...

    I have just been putting off the prostate exam since I have this nightmare of a doctor repeatedly checking my prostate while he has both of his hands on my hips.

    Rub a Dub

  • mfrederick

    I feel best when I get 9 hours of sleep. Happens about twice a week. 8 hours is OK but I feel a bit tired. I worked 42 years full time and didn't learn this until I retired and slept without an alarm clock.

    I get up at least once at night for the male prostate thing as well.

  • snowbird

    Mercy, Rub!

    Mr. Fred, you seem to be doing ok.

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