I think I'm about to become a victim of an "intervention"

by cruzanheart 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    Thank you all for your encouragement and advice! I do feel better after sending the second e-mail, like I took a little more charge of the situation. We'll see what the Office Manager says when she returns on Monday.

    Tonight Jennie told me that she confronted a girl she goes to school with (who is presently at the same day care Jennie is suffering through this month) about an incident that occurred at the last slumber party they attended. Jennie felt this girl and one other of the four who were there grab at her bottom when they thought she was asleep. Her initial reaction was shame and she didn't want to talk about it but we encouraged her, told her it was WRONG and that, if she didn't say something, we would talk to the mother who was in charge that night. Well, our Jennie confronted her abuser BY HERSELF and asked the girl why she did that and told her it wouldn't happen again. Freaked out the little [w]itch, who stammered, tried to blame it on someone else (but Jennie had ONE eyewitness, which is good enough outside the JWs), and then finally went to the child care provider in the room and said Jennie was being rude. WE ARE SO PROUD OF HER!!! It looks as though she wasn't around the JWs long enough to feel like everything is her fault. HOORAY!!!!

    And tonight the kids and I attended Journey of Hope, a support group for children (and adults) who have lost a close family member. It's a wonderful program, and we left feeling really upbeat. We stopped at Braum's for a milkshake on the way home and I smiled to myself as I remembered all the times we'd stopped at Braum's after a meeting. We'd be tired, perhaps a little down and depressed, . . . BUT TONIGHT we were all singing to Radio Disney and the children were absolutely radiant with joy and confidence.

    Yep, I feel better! Thanks, y'all!


  • TresHappy

    Cruzan, we used to stop after meetings at Braum's also, especially during the summer months. Braums was always filled to capacity and their hamburgers are the best (especially with the cherry limeade).


    (of the "wishing for a Braum's cheeseburger about this time" class)

  • bluesapphire

    HI. I haven't been home all day and this is my first thread I can get to at 11:30 at night. And now I wont be able to sleep because I AM FUMED!!!

    This is the same type of crap that my MIL pulls on us. "Oh, brother so and so asked for your number/address/whatever...."

    How I wish she was an employee where I worked and I could sick the management on her!

    Anyway, even if it wasn't a planned "intervention" it was terribly rude and unethical. Not sure if it's illegal but it's obviously against company policy. And it sure did serve to give a good witness about the JWs, didn't it.

    You and I seem to have the same problem though of being too nice. Billygoat too. I'm always thinking of what to say when so and so says this or that in their passive agressive way. And when it comes down to it -- too nice. Blah.

  • Jayson

    Not being a witness but being caught up in the "just checking up on you and are you started going back to meetings yet why not what happened well talk to you later routine" with my wife. I Can't help but notice that every time a JW stirs the pot with an ex member and that member tells their new world about the old one it is free advertising for the cult. I found when telling them that the JW's meddling is harrassment normal people had a hard time understanding. In fact because of their own desire to protect their own faith's issues many would in some ways defend the JW and claim that "I should give them the benifit of a doubt. After all, there is no way that all JW's can be the same." After a while I kept a copy of CoC in my car. Along with "Questions to Ask a Jehovah Witness." The "Silent Lambs" movement has been nice to show. (Not that it is a nice subject) My point is rather than feeling a victim of JW harrassment or letting them use me as a vehicle to spread doctrinal snippits that normals do not understand I give them the awful truth about this sect. In doing this many, and I mean many people have become informed. I have had people say "I am so glad you told me about them, they were trying to suck in my [insert here] into the cult and I was able to give them some good information."

    JW's consider me the devil. And I'm OK with that.

    (I hope sharing a personal storyism might give someone some ideas)

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Listen to your "spider sense".................

  • MegaDude

    Hi Nina,

    My take on JWs, elders or whoever, wanting to make return visits on me is that they are very welcome to call me and visit me at my home anytime. I only wish they did it more than they do. LOL.

    I say this because this has been such a therapeutic experience for me. In the beginning, fresh out of the JWs, seeing the JWs at my door or being visited by the elders or JWs made me nervous. I guess 35 years of indoctrination will do that to you. But over time I started being open with my doubts about JW doctrine with JW visitors or acquaintances. I always framed these doubts in the form of a question, NOT a statement. I would bring up a topic (false dates, blood issue, et cet) and begin asking questions. If you know your topic well, in a matter of minutes you will see the JW get very nervous or very angry. Usually it's very nervous and uncomfortable in my experience. This was very healing because these people who had intimidated me for so long were now cowering and scared over a few simple questions. I'd recommend this path to any former JW. It's hard to feel intimidated by an elder when he's obviously got no confidence in his supposed "faith." This helped me to move to the next stage where I began feeling some compassion for JWs who are trapped just like I used to be.

    Knowledge is power in dealing with JWs. I wish they would come around more often. I hope you welcome this experience as an opportunity not only to witness to a JW, but having the enjoyable experience of watching them squirm with discomfort as you innocently share everything you know about the Watchtower. It's really therapeutic. At least it was for me.

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