How many of you went to the elders when you / someone did something wrong ?

by run dont walk 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SisterLiz

    I never went to the elders to confess anything, not that there was anything to confess. But an elder did come to me once asking for me to spy for him. I went to school with a guy from my congregation, and I guess this elder had something against his family or something and asked me to keep a close eye on him. I was about 16 years old at the time. I told him that I nver see him at school and couldn't help him......that bastard.

  • Shutterbug
    I got frustrated and when out and had sex with this worldly woman and then went and told them, knowing they would have to remove me. Which they did.

    Sounds like a win/win situation to me, but why didn't you simply go get drunk? This would probably not cause so many complications in your marriage. Having sex with another woman would really complicate my marriage, knowing my wife, but getting sh** faced would merely aggrivate her. Bug

  • TattoodJess25

    I have to admit, when I was disfellowshipped, I was the one that went to the elders to tell them what I had been doing for like 6 months before that. I suppose it was because I was taught to admit when I do things wrong, ESPECIALLY if it was to effect my "standing with God". Consequently, I was "removed from the Christian Congregation". That was December 23, 2000. The only reason I remeber that is because it was my sister's birthday, not that they celebrated, lol.

    Jessica G./Canandaigua, NY

  • smurfette

    I'm with you Run Don't Walk. Never ever ever would I go to the Elders about anything let alone rat myself out! I was ratted out a few times by jw finks but always skated out of any trouble.

  • liquidsky

    I never ratted my self out or anyone else.

  • sxybrwneyes

    I would have never went to the elders on my own accord but my grandmother who raised me would run me to the elders almost every week for every little thing. It was ridiculous. This particular elder she would always run me to was my best friends dad and he really liked me and thought my grandmother was a nutcase, which she was and he told her that she doesn't need to be running me to the elders for every little thing, to deal with it at home.

    Then another time when I really did do something bad (fornication) she found out about it because she was going through my garbage can in my room (which she did on a regular basis) and found a condom so she threatened me that if I didn't talk to the elders she would so I was forced to talk to them but the elders on my JC were pretty cool about it, because they knew I had issues due to my grandmother being emotionlly abusive with me my whole life and they felt sorry for me, so they only privately reproved me.

    I guess I had some pretty cool elders, plus I was with the "in" crowd which helped.

  • onacruse

    Hi Jessica! Welcome to the forum!

    I was DFd about the same time as you were. Over the course of this last year, my life has improved incredibly. nomb, but how's it going for you?


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    welcome tatoodJess25

    glad you are here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • JT

    in our circuit the co made sure that we taught the friends the importance of turning themselves in or others-

    some of you may recall the article "Do Not Share in the SINS of Others"

    as elders our co told us to ALWAYS C0NCLUDE EACH AND EVERY SHEPARDING CALL with a discussion of this article to help the publishers realize that each baptized person along with the elders have a RESPONISBLTY TO KEEP THE CONGO CLEAN

    and with this type of intense indoctrination IT WORKS once a month the last frinday of the month was sheparding day, all the elders would meet at the hall and break out into groups sometimes taking a MS with us. and by sunday meeting you coud always count on someone TURNING THEMSELVES OR SOMEONE ELSE IN

    as i look back i truly felt like i was Phinas the dude in the bible who saw the jew getting some coochie and went running into his tent and kill him and the woman in the middle of the "Back Stroke"

    can you believe that we encourage folk to "AS IT WERE" run into folks homes to kill them as it were

    while some folks didn't turn folks in one thing is for sure by instilling THE FEAR OF GOD it does work with young folks and adults

    i know cause i used to be a proponent of turning folks in - how sad

    my fatherin law CHESTER is here this weekend and we were talking about how the jw of today don't turn folks in

    THEY ARE JUST GETTING TIRED but more importantly most jw don't have any relationship with the elders like many of us from the old days

    in those days there were elders who were like your father and you felt close and comfortable enough to talk, today most elders are like CORP MEN just doing their job, meetings, service , etc

    the entire "spirit" in the avg congo has changed today especially with the passing of so much time FOLKS ARE JUST GETTING TIRED IN MY VIEW they still believe this is the truth and that is why why you try to tell the it ain't they shut down

    but their Zeal and Drive is DEAD

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Just chuck cheeses in the same box as unique1 and elsewhere - Why would anyone go to the elders about ANYTHING? Maybe that's why I wasn't a real success as a dub.

    cheeses - he of little respect for the so-called oldermen.

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