Crappy Jobs???

by Maverick 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maverick

    Thanks to the policies of J-dud Central a lot of people have less than satisfying jobs. I am one of the fortunate few who loves what he does. I work for the rich and famous and get to travel a lot. How about you? Do you have a job you love? Did you change jobs after leaving the collective? Maverick

  • StinkyPantz

    I am currently a waitress and love it! But now that I am "allowed" to go into law enforcement I plan on working for the FBI as a CSI.

  • Hamas

    This is another reason why I shall not stop in life until the Watchtower is finished.


    Similar to Stinkypantz, I am a waiter/bartender at a very cool art bar/tavern in downtown Toronto.

    Best job I have ever had. I love the place, my co-workers, my boss and the clientele.

    It's great!

  • frogit

    My last job when I was a J-Dub was a crappy job, but now I have a great JOB no thanks to the WT. it's great to be fulfilled and happy now, not having to worry about rushing home to get ready and go to a very mundane and boring meeting to be counselled again for not doing enough. You never did enough and the end was next week of course.

    I feel for all those millions who continue to put of living, because Armageddon is coming now, very soon, straight ahead. Can't be far away now.


  • Bendrr

    I've got a few complaints about mine. "Office Politics" mainly. Well "shop politics", because it's an auto repair shop. And unfortunately those politics cut into my check sometimes, but that's about to change.

    But is it a crappy job? Oh hell no! Sometimes when the day-to-day stuff starts to get me down all I have to do is remember past jobs and think how lucky I am to be there. I was hired on the spot. I was told during the interview that they'd had their eye on me for a while but it wasn't their policy to go out and recruit from other shops. And they didn't start me off in a crappy store in a bad part of town either, they assigned me to their newest store in a very affluent part of town. I can go a whole day without working on anything older that a '99 model. And I won't even get in to the money.

    I'm the luckiest tech in Macon!

    Now crappy jobs? Oh don't get me started!

    When I got fired from the Empire I was a pizza delivery driver. Then I followed a former manager into another job. I got to go fill the vending machines at some of the rest areas on I-75 here in Georgia. And I got all the hot ones too. Dooly County and Turner County. Cook County too, but the machines were in the shade and the state employees there were pretty cool. But I'll tell you about servicing vending machines at rest areas in Georgia in the summertime. I don't care what The Weather Channel tells you, the heat at an unshaded rest area is going to be over 100. I'd put about 40 cases of drinks in the drink machines at each stop. 40 cases because the machines were empty -- completely empty -- every time I came by which was every other day.

    Then you've got to deal with the tourons. Touron = Tourist + Moron. And that's just what they were.

    I also put in some time at convenience stores. That wasn't so bad really because I had my "regulars" and working night shifts I had cops and other regulars to keep me company. The cops knew I was armed but always patrolled thru a few times every nite. If I was stocking the cooler they'd bloop! their siren and I'd come out of the cooler and wave to let them know I was ok. If I didn't come out quick enough they'd come in the store and call my name.


  • Brummie

    I used to work mostly part time when I was a JW, I couldnt settle and did a lot of different things. I now work and study with Adults with Autism. Job satisfaction for sure.


  • maxwell

    I like my job. I can't say I love it. I have an electrical engineering degree and my job with the federal government requires my degree, but is not electrical engineering. But its still interesting at times. It also pays my bills and has decent benefits. I got the job when I was a JW. When I was looking for a job, I was still a JW and I had to pass up many opportunities because many companies who hire entry-level engineers are hiring for jobs that service contracts for the department of defense. I'm not sure if I would want to be in that type of work even now. I'm just not sure I'd want to be involved in developing things to help kill better even though a lot of the technology ends up having non-killing applications as well.

    I had a lot of jobs before this job while in high school and college. None paid very much and some were physically demanding, but I don't think I'd call any of them crappy. I learned something at every job I worked, even at the grocery store stocking and fast food job I worked and I wouldn't be above going back to work at any of those jobs if I had to do that. But hopefully I will never have to do that.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hey maxwell

    Seems to me you got a good deal going job wise.

    You must have become a J.W. after your Engineering degree because here in Canada the society does not promote going to college or anything like that.

    and that is why I think that this post is about "crappy jobs".. all the the Jobs J.W. have to do, because they couldn't get a higher education or trade, to advance themselves... and ended up cleaning, janitor work and window washing.

    Special K

  • maxwell

    Special K,

    No I was raised a JW, baptized at 12 years of age. I was lucky to come along just as there a little bit of softening on the no college position. I was also lucky to have parents that were willing to support me in whatever decision I made along those lines. The Awake with the change in position came along in the spring of 1995 which happens to be the year I graduated from High School. That particular Awake was certainly not pro college but it wasn't totally against college as the WTS had been in the past. But I know that in some areas elders and others in authority continued to discourage college aggressively.

    Those jobs you mention are not always so crappy. I know one brother who had a window-washing business. Along with his wife's parttime work, I got the impression that they were doing better than I was doing. They drove a better car and had a nicer apartment in a nicer area. They were also both pioneers.

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