Crappy Jobs???

by Maverick 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    actually my job, was one of the reasons I left the borg, I was working in a nightclub as a bartender making ridiculous money.

    I just told people (parents) I worked at a hotel, didn't tell them what I really was doing there.

    And I still do the same thing today, I manage a very nice bar and lounge with 9 beautiful women who are great friends.

    Can you imagine going to the elders and saying ............

    I serve booze for a living and work with girls who wear tight clothes, can you say jc meeting.

    HA, beats working on an assembly line.

  • Maverick

    Welcome Bonnie, thank you for coming on board on one of my questions! It amazes me how insecure the J-dud Masters are that they fear letting the collective become educated in anything other than dud-dom academics! I hope to see many more posts from you. Maverick

  • Francois

    So Stinky, what is a CSI? Crime Stopper International?

  • obiwan

    Here's my crappiest job. My first job was at a grocery store and they would sometime's have me fill in for the janitor (go figure), so one day management decided that the garbage compacter needed to be cleaned after it was taken to the dump.....I walked in it and started to dry heave, i'm glad I didn't eat breakfast anyway I had to use carb cleaner to rinse down the walls. I decided then and there I would never be a janitor.

  • joelbear

    I graduated high school in 1976 and the 1975 furvor has still not died down at that time. I was the only one of my gang that graduated high school. They all eventually got their GED's. I was looked upon with suspicion for not wanting to leave high school. I ached to go to college but my parents were firmly against it. I had scholarship offers, but the pressure against going was just too much from family, friends and elders. So I was a bank teller and a janitor while I pioneered. I muddled along with this and a short stint at bethel for about 5 years.

    After that I moved away from home, got a better job at a bank and went to school and earned my AA degree. I stayed in banking and consulting for the next 20 years and had a reasonably successful career and enjoyment of my job.

    I got laid off last year and started back to work on my Bachelors. If all goes as planned I will graduate in the spring with a degree in Marketing. Not sure where my life will head after that. I'm pondering my choices.

  • Piph
    PIPH - i wanted to go to art school as well..still thinking about going back while i'm still young to study animation or illustration.

    Tinkerbell - Too cool! I've been thinking about your post since yesterday...I love animation and comic book style stuff...studying animation hadn't occured to me until I read your post. I'm definitely going to look into it. We should go into business together! LOL!

  • tinkerbell82

    piph - my (JW) mom is an enthusiastic proponant of the animation idea .... little does she know i was inspired to consider it as a career by my favorite movie ever - The Nightmare Before Christmas. halloween and christmas all rolled up in one - i can almost FEEL her cringe!!! :P but yes, we could be a dynamic duo!

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