Comments You Will Not Hear at the 7-20-03 WT Study

by blondie 45 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Jourles
    But I'm always amazed by those who delve so deeply into the Watchtower publications and spend so much time in critical reviews.

    Mizpah, if it were not for those who "delve so deeply into the Watchtower publications" and write about their findings, I myself and probably many others would not be here today on this board but rather still in the org. Which side of the fence would you rather be on?

    Personally, the more I learn from other people's research, the greater my knowledge builds to better nudge out my family that is still in. Besides, the WT invites critical reviews:

    *** w50 8/15 p. 263 Name and Purpose of The Watchtower ***

    However, The Watchtower does not claim to be inspired in its utterances, nor is it dogmatic. It invites careful and critical examination of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. Its purpose is to aid others to know Jehovah and his purposes toward mankind, and to announce Christ’s established kingdom as our only hope.

  • mizpah


    I appreciate your point. But my concern is for those whose lives are still controlled by the Watchtower by reading every article and publication and trying hard to rebut all their arguments. I think very few Jehovah's Witnesses are influenced by discussions on doctrine. They immediately become defensive and think only of their counter-arguments. That's why it is futile to argue with them.

    Those that start to doubt the Watchtower are already well on their way to leaving the organization. I'm sure some of these discussions do help and give additional reasons to leave. But once that decision is made, what is the point? And most of the discussions on this board are really for people who have already left.

    I would hate to think that people who have left the Watchtower Society are going to be permenantly stuck to it and spend the rest of their lives trying to prove it is wrong.

  • blondie

    Well, mizpah, it is my time. And as long as I think it helps me and others, I don't mind reviewing the WT. It doesn't take that much of my time. Compared to the time I spend on Bible study (not WTS publication) study, it is miniscule. Maybe when I have put more time between me and the WTS (only 4 months) I might feel differently.


    BTW, doesn't "mizpah" mean "watchtower"?

  • thegentleman


    I always enjoy your posts about the WT study. Keep on going..


  • kgfreeperson

    Blondie--I am another who really appreciates all you bring to the DB. I am also curious--are you trained as a librarian? Your research skills are a wonder!

  • jgnat

    I had a great reply to Mizpah, too. Then the dog ate it. There are a whole bunch of reasons I why bother. First of all, it is therapy, like doing crossword puzzles. Can I spot the discrepancies, manipulative language, the fuzzy logic? By dissecting the articles this way, I also hope to point others the way on how they can apply critical thinking skills to the articles, and get a more well-rounded education.

    After all, some of us are in a position where we hear this material every week. It is nice to build a little mental defence. Besides, I type fast. It does not take nearly as much time as it looks.

  • jgnat

    Articles like this make me want to take up swearing. Articles like this send my honey in to a frenzy of devotion and activity. I wonder how long it will take for him to shake out it this time?

    • God's people will continue to hold to their position of active support for God's Kingdom.
    • Trusting in Jehovah will include trusting in the modern visible channel that he has clearly been using for decades to serve his purposes.
    • As never before, true Christians will then need to place their confidence in fellow worshipers authorized by Jehovah and his reigning King to take the lead.
    • These faithful men will direct God's people. Ignoring their direction could end in disaster. (Para 15-16)

    My study questions this week:

    • When did the WTBTS first send the sheep astray from worshipping Jehovah?
    • How did all the glorious promises Jesus gave get reduced to "permanent relief"? Those who have endured tribulation for their loyalty to God's Kingdom, on the other hand, will experience permanent relief. para. 8
  • minimus

    Mizpah, I believe that this forum is especially helpful to lurkers or those new to the board. When research is done and criticism is given, it becomes quite helpful to the ones that need it most----those not 100% sure they what is being said is truth. That is one of the wonderful benefits of this site.

  • Pistoff

    mizpah wrote:

    But I'm always amazed by those who delve so deeply into the Watchtower publications and spend so much time in critical reviews. I'll look forward to your responses.

    This is very important for some of us who are either still having to attend, for whatever reason, or who want to be more aware of the process by which we were so sucked in, so that it will not be a repeat experience for us.

    The pull of community, foisting of guilt and appeal to "be unified" with the brothers can have a strong appeal to those who let mental defences down. I stay here to stay sharp.

    Thanks for your concern.

  • happy man
    happy man


    Well blondie is a very intresting wrighter, her posts are highlights on this bord, even if some are to much wrongfinding, i heve debbate widh her some, but I use her qestions on the WT studie, very intresting and perhaps also dangerus, heard that soem now leaving our cong beaucause of my answers and qestions on the meetings, funny I have never say anything how is wrong or lies, I ask on the bookstudie, when was it that we underastand that jesus was king in heaven 1914, not so popular questnig I can say, not so many now this. Or when we have some comments on the need fore more money,I told we are not any poor religion , Russel-Rudherford was very cleaver when they putt our headqurter in broklyn, it is now worth 200 billion dollars, some look at mee as I was crayzy, this is very exaiting, and funny.

    love from HM

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