Comments You Will Not Hear at the 7-20-03 WT Study

by blondie 45 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • undercover

    They're hedging their bets. Remember a few months ago when people were wondering if the UN would survive The US and Britain's charge to war? By changing the language and thought as in this article, the WTS is covering their tracks in case the UN plays a less significant role in the world. On the other hand, if the UN survives and remains strong, or gets stronger, the WTS of course will reference back to the older articles and say, "We told you so".

  • Jourles

    As a spirit creature, he (Satan) cannot carry out his attack directly

    "As spirit creatures, Satan and his demons cannot carry out attacks directly." Would everyone agree that this statement is also true and that it could replace the one quoted from the WT? If you do agree, then read these quotes below. Notice any discrepencies between the latest study article and these quotes?

    *** w87 9/1 p. 8 Shaking Off the Yoke of Spiritism ***

    During the attacks of the koenoe, however, poor Mother cried out in so much pain that I could not bear it any longer and laid her head in my lap for comfort. She then calmed down, but I felt "hands" squeezing my body.

    Later the demon stepped up his attacks. Several times I felt as if he were strangling me. Though I tried to run away, I could not because a heavy weight seemed to press on my body. I wanted to scream but could not produce a sound.

    Some weeks passed. Meena, a neighbor lady who was a full-time minister of Jehovah’s Witnesses, asked my daughter about my condition and said: "Your mother can be helped but only with the Bible." Overhearing the conversation, I walked toward them. Before I reached them, however, I was thrown to the ground. Meena hurriedly came and said: "That demon will not leave you alone. The only one that can help you is Jehovah, no one else." Then she prayed with me to Jehovah God and began to visit me. But the more she visited me, the fiercer were the demon’s attacks. During the night, my body shook so violently that no one in the house could sleep.

    But then I did something I had never done before. I called: "Jehovah! Jehovah!" That is all I knew to say. And the demon left! (I just had to throw this one in for a laugh since we have all heard that this works!)

    *** w66 12/15 p. 742 Repelling the Attack of Wicked Spirits ***

    One woman had her bed tipped up at night when she tried to sleep on a mattress given her by her Spiritualist mother. A young woman had a fever of 106 degrees when wearing a garment given her by a Spiritualist.

    *** w63 3/15 p. 186 Resisting Wicked Spirit Forces ***

    In these wicked days of the "time of the end" the demons appear to be intensifying their attacks against Christians and against those who are just beginning to learn God’s truth. What, then, if a person who wants to do God’s will finds that demon powers are pressing an attack against him, trying to wear him down physically and mentally by disturbing his sleep?

    In one case a garment was sent by a voodooist to a victim, and as long as the victim had that garment and wore it, it resulted in demon attacks and movements, especially at night.

    *** g85 7/22 pp. 24-25 Ancestor Worship—Why It Persists ***

    Inviting her to stay in one of his homes, he promised that she would be given a "special gift" from her ancestors if she did so. She accepted his invitation, but soon problems developed. "I began to face an intense attack of wicked spirits," Alphina recalls. "My body would shake violently and then it would feel as if my muscles were torn by a sharp instrument."

    *** gh chap. 15 p. 136 Superstitions Can Lead to Unhappiness ***

    Anyone who comes under demon attack would be wise to remove from his person and from his home any items that may have had a connection with demonism. Wicked spirits have been known to come back to such items and to attack the owner by making him ill, weak or fearful.

    *** g70 6/8 p. 8 Be Alert to Dangers of Spiritism ***

    They had for some time been bothered with demon attacks, which caused them much distress. Windows would open and shut by themselves, noises could be heard all around the house and the small child would wake up with teeth marks on her arms as if some animal had held her arms in its mouth.

    So if Satan(and his demons) cannot carry out their attacks directly on Jah's people, how in THEE HELL can they attack humans as depicted in the WT magazine? No need for them to materialize. They can just do it. Kind of makes the use of these "human agencies" worthless it seems. If I were a demon, I would much rather do the attacking myself rather than letting a government agency do it.

  • Jourles

    There are many many many other references to demon attacks in the publications. The ones referenced above are simply the ones where physical attacks happened. Many of these attacks also included hearing voices and projecting thoughts mentally into the victim to carry out a demon's wishes.

    I still do not see why Jehovah would not allow Satan and his demons to carry out attacks directly, but would allow Satan to put his thoughts into the minds of some government agency to do it instead?? That makes a whole lot of sense.

  • Pistoff

    Jourles wrote:

    Would everyone agree that this statement is also true and that it could replace the one quoted from the WT?

    That rang a bell when I read it too; it just confirms what I have come to believe in the last year: all witnesses carry two completely different ideas in their heads courtesy of the org; we are god's channel, but we are not a prophet; there are no rules in the congregation (have you seen the flock book?) God is love (he will soon slaughter 6 billion people, and raise up many more dead ones, just to slaughter them again if they don't repent).

    Is it any wonder we are all nuts? The society CONSTANTLY publishes conflicting ideas, and of course, we cannot talk about it, lest we be considered rebellious.

  • blondie

    Very good, Jourles. I had not given any thought to the demon attacks. I have never been much of a believer in them, even the WTS reported ones. They tend to be subjective.

    I thought it was strange that the WTS should make such a point of the Devil not being able to attack directly.

    But I think it ends up being like pistoff says, conflicting statements. It is the CYA philosphy of the WTS. I call it talking out of both sides of your mouth.


  • Noumenon

    Blondie can you please be consistent with the colouring of your comments. It's a mess and difficult to tell the WTS from your little inserts. Please keep all YOUR comments in black like you say you will....otherwise keep up the good work that really you in the you look like something from Revenge of the Nerds.

  • blondie

    Nou, I did note that my comments are in black and parentheses and that the WT quotes are in red and quotes. I try to keep to that. I have a hard time with the quote feature. Even with the colors I have a hard time. My hands are somewhat disabled. I'm sorry if it was hard to follow.


  • Pistoff

    Nou will get used to the rare typo, blondie.

    THANKS so much for the favorite!!!!!!!!

  • archangel01

    Thanks Blondie, you have a heart of glass.....Gold!

    That WT just shows, an is more proof that they are so far out of the body of christ, that they make Neil Armstrong just some guy who went to the moon in a rocket made out of Lego's/Little people!

  • mizpah

    All these comments are very interesting. But does it ever bother any of you that the Watchtower still has such a great hold over you as long as you continue to read and to analyze the contents of its publications? In a sense, you continue to be chained to the organization. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to use this time reading the Bible and considering the positive teachings of Christ?

    It is true that all of us who have beloved family members in the organization are not totally free from it. But my wife and I decided long ago that it is a waste of time to devote precious hours to a lost cause. We feel that the scriptural advise escpecially applies to the Watchtower: "To the making of books there is no end." It results in " a weariness to the flesh."

    I'm not trying to discourage a lively discussion about the Watchtower Society. I enjoy this as much as anyone. But I'm always amazed by those who delve so deeply into the Watchtower publications and spend so much time in critical reviews. I'll look forward to your responses.

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