Question for elders or ex elders

by northern girl 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    After reading this whole thread, all I have to say is the following:

    Why is it such a pain in the ass to serve a "loving" god? If this god was loving, it would be easy to repent and rejoin the congregation! Besides, Jehovah is supposed to punish the wrongdoers at Armageddon. So why are the elders in the position to do the punishing? Have they been directed by Jehovah's holy spirit to make things difficult?

    In my opinion, if it's this difficult to serve Jehovah, he's not worth serving at all.

    Northern girl, You know that if you go back, you're not allowed to communicate with us, correct? The witnesses are showing such conditional love. They will not speak to you while you're DFed, but us apostates will speak to you whatever status you happen to be. Yes, we've grown a bit attached to you.

  • northern girl
    northern girl


    Good to hear from you. I guess we are just on different pages (possibly from the same book though).

    It may seem a 'pain' to serve a loving god, but anything worthwhile is worth much effort. God never said it would be 'easy' to serve him, but again the path to destruction IS 'easy'.

    The elders do not punish ... they serve as representatives of Jehovah; carrying out his will. What seems difficult serves as a cleansing agent to keep the cong. clean. Don't get me wrong, I don't like being DF'ed, but agree with the need. I wouldn't want to be in a religion that accepts token repentence.

    I DO realize that if I go back that there will be things that I do now that will not be possible then. I have 'become accustomed to your face' too and will miss this venue.

    Take care ... northern girl.

  • jgnat

    I echo that sentiment, Nosferatu.

    Northern girl, You know that if you go back, you're not allowed to communicate with us, correct? .... us apostates will speak to you whatever status you happen to be. Yes, we've grown a bit attached to you.

    I am pretty sure Jehovah is up-to-date on Northern Girl's spiritual condition, and that He has already forgiven her. Isn't it odd that He would condone a bureaucratic delay on the dispensation of His grace?

  • SixofNine
    I'm quite sure though that all that occurs in the persons DF'ed days is not up for discussion at the reinstatement hearing ... the way I see it anyway

    No reason at all for you to be "quite sure" about that. Maybe, maybe not. Listen to your own words, you have it just right:

    a lot seems to be left to the discretion of the committee. It also appears that two different committees can come up with totally different findings, but both findings are final and acceptable. (appeals excluded).

    Exactly. And over a long period of time, a person who looks at such things, will notice that there is really no room for god's spirit "directing" any of it.

    An added note about appeals: while they are available to anyone who is df'd, they almost never work, no matter how boneheaded the process or decision of the first committee was. It's not too hard to figure out why an appeal almost never ends up in a reversal, so I won't insult your intelligence by getting into it.

  • Nosferatu

    Northern girl, may I ask exactly what it was after you were df that made you realize that the JWs hold the one true religion?

  • northern girl
    northern girl


    If I understand your question, you want to know why I still believe that the JWs is the true religion. I don't feel any different now than when I was IN; I've always felt it is the true one.

    My being df'd was expected on my part as a consequence of allowing myself to become addicted to nicotine (can't slave for two masters).

    northern girl.

    the elders will want to know if whatever activity the person was df'd for has ceased.

    In an ideal world...maybe........My mom was df'd for dating a worldly man. She married him a year later.

    Not good enough for the elders, though. Fourteen years later she was re-instated!!!! Elders and their "mercyTM"....what a joke!!!!

    My poor mom....if only she had JWD!!!!!


  • Nosferatu
    My being df'd was expected on my part as a consequence of allowing myself to become addicted to nicotine (can't slave for two masters).

    Okay, let's see if I can re-word my question. When you started smoking, you obviously weren't taking the "truth" very seriously or else you wouldn't have started. You must have known that smoking would get you DFed. What was the wakeup call that makes you want to go back? Was it the shock of the disfellowshipping itself, or did you have an experience with something else that the JWs warned you about?

  • northern girl
    northern girl


    Yes, I knew smoking would get me df'd. At the time I was in an abusive relationship which clouded (no pun intended) my reasoning. I allowed myself to turn to instant gratification instead of facing my problems head-on.

    The thing that really got me thinking about going 'back' was the hope of seeing my (dearly departed mother) again in the new system. That may sound selfish but it is a hope that carries me through each day. Also the hope that all suffering will be gone ... I've yet to get this hope anywhere else.

    northern girl.

  • Brummie
    The thing that really got me thinking about going 'back' was the hope of seeing my (dearly departed mother) again in the new system

    Ng, I had a friend that I would meet up secretly with, she was a JW all her life, she was an elders wife and desperate to find her identity outside of the org but trapped in by the thought of seeing her beloved mother again in the resurrection. It took her 6 years to get out during which time she regular pioneered and lived an almost perfect life. They told her she would never see her mother again if she harboured her doubts, a tad cruel dont you think? It almost gave her a nervous breakdown.

    My point is, even that blessed hope will not keep you happy inside that organisation, she left and is very happy today but she hung on to it for so many years because of the delusion that by being there would reunite her with her mother. As if "Jehovah" didnt know that her heart wasnt in the Org. One day she realised that if she is to see her mother again it would have nothing to do with a cruel organisation but rather on her personal faith in God and Gods grace. The Watchtower is holding your thoughts captive by promising you a reunion with your mother, that is the worst and most cruel punishment you could be put through. Has it occured to you that you will see your mother again regradless of the Watchtower?

    Enjoy your life, look forward to the future but dont be held hostage by an abusive religion.

    I PMd you a while ago :)


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