How to get rid of snoring?

by sunshineToo 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    From someone who lives with a world class snorer

    my hubby snores in every position so telling someone to roll over won't work in this house. One night it was so bad the cat got up and started to head-butt him. Th cat finally gave up and left the room.

    He has been to a Dr and sleep apnea is not the proble. He has been told weight is the problem and to lose some of it. Here are the things he has tried and what worked and what didn't

    • lose weight - snoring decreases as his weight does
    • could get a device that holds the upper palate in place but it costs $1000 so we put that on hold - available through dental clinics because it requires a fitting
    • Snore-Right strips - a small plastic strip (like a bandage but smaller with a clip in it) this seems to reshape the nasal cavity reducing snoring - this works most of the time - it certainly reduces the noise level so that I can sleep - available at most pharmacies here in Winnipeg for about $15 ofr 30 strips and Walmart
    • Snore-Right Spray - a nasal spray - the person sprays this into the back of their throat and onto the upper palate - seems to work a bit but not as effective as the strips - it seems to have the effect of tightening the mouth and throat so there is less vibration - forgot the price but some pharmacies carry it - not very expensive
    • purifies water spray - seems to work by moistening the throat and palate - not bad but the effect wore off after a few nights - not too expensive - forgot where we got it but try Walmart or a pharmacy
    • aroma therapy - we tried this jar with a sponge in it - forgot who made it or what scent but I'm sure it would be easy to find out - this worked a bit. You open the jar about 1/2 hour before going to bed - this worked a bit too so might be effective for lighter snorers - abotu $15 per jar which lasts for several months
    • earplugs - I use them most nights - sometimes they drown him out and sometimes they don't. I use industrial strength - about $4 for 10 pairs - Walmart - pharmacies - hardware stores lol
    • getting up and sleeping in another room - free and effective although when I was a kid my foster father slept in the attic and I slept in the basement and I could still hear him

    I think that is all we tried so far.

    Lee - of the sleepless in Winnipeg class

  • Angharad

    We bought one of those anti-snoring pillows that is supposed to keep your head in a good position that supposed to reduce snoring - it just changed the noise he made which was just as irritating, so those dont work either.

  • worldlygirl

    Hold a pillow firmly over his face for several minutes until you don't hear anything else.

  • mouthy

    Youve got troubles!!!! I wake myself up snoring -Cant go into the other room it follows me there BLAH!!!!

  • blondie

    Oooh, mouthy, I wake myself up too.


  • mouthy

    I thought it was just old age that made you do that ...Glad to hear I have a partner in crime- cos it is a crime to spoil sleep methinks!!!!

  • sunshineToo

    Oh, thank you so much for your replies, people!

    Angharad, yes, I could still hear my husband snoring even with those ear plugs. But I have to say that he is not as bad as my dad. But I'll check out one of those sleep clinics.

    Oh, by the way I've seen him (my husband) waking up because of his snoring a couple of times. It started soft but it got a big crescendo to fortississimo and woke him up.

    And he is still not fully convinced that he is a snorer. It seems like he was not like this long time ago, like 10+ years ago when he was living with his roomate or with his family.

  • iiz2cool

    Your husband may want to go in for a sleep study. I've had a problem with snoring for a long time, so I went for a study. They found I had sleep apnea, and that I stopped breathing 127 times throughout that night. That was due to the airways closing. I was prescribed a CPAP machine that provides me with continuous air pressure at 10 pounds psi. I have a small mask that fits over my nose that delivers it. It resembles a snorkel. Since using this, I don't snore at all, and my quality of sleep, and quality of life has improved tremendously. My overall disposition improved greatly as well. I'm not falling asleep at work or while driving anymore, and have more energy throughout the day. It takes a bit of getting used to, as it is uncomfortable initially, but now I wouldn't be without it.

    Prior to this, I tried laser surgery to reduce the size of my uvula. This was very painful, and didn't last long. As soon as I gained some weight I had the problem again.

    Alot of men resist using the CPAP because they think it's intrusive or not 'sexy', but I think going through life with poor quality of sleep with it's resulting grouchiness is even less sexy.


  • mouthy

    That sound interesting iiz2. How do you find the clinic that does this- or do you get a refferal from a Doctor????

  • waiting

    I was going to post about my woes in this area..............but sounded rather bitchy and complaining.

    And we wouldn't want that, now would we?

    waiting, long suffering in her own opinion.

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