new member

by heather_66350 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannaexit

    HELLO heather,

    Glad you are here. Sit back read and enjoy. This board is great.

    Wannaexit of the want to exit very soon class.

  • mouthy

    Welcome Heather.( lovely name) I am the old lady on board -some call me Granny(76) I was a JW-- I made 10 people JW I am ashamed to say- a faithful one for over 20 years. brought some of my kids up that way- they kicked me out cos I didnt believe Jesus came invisably in 1914 -I wanted to kill my self getting kicked out of the ark by Jehovah....THEN!!!!! I went to Pennsylvania Convention where there were about 300 EX JWs ( it is again> Oct 17th this year it will be its 25 year) So hang in there kiddo- Who know your Mother may some day see the light--- EVERY ONE was astounded when I was ousted cos I was a real fantical one- I am free of it now> Thank God although my daughter has VERY LITTLE to do with me -she is still in.... Pull up a chair luv- It UNconditional love here as opposed to JW Conditional love ((((HUG)))

  • SheilaM
  • Banshee

    Welcome to the board, ((((((heather))))))!

  • primitivegenius

    welcome heather welcome

  • RoadDoctor

    Hello everyone, I just joined this site (after a few days of technical problems lol). Just wanted to say Hi to everyone from this wonderful (yet oh so boring) state of Madness, I mean Maryland. I'm so glad there is a site such as this where people who used to be part of the cult can vent, talk, or joke around. Take care.

  • Brummie


    Welcome Aboard!

    Good to meet ya


  • arrowstar

    Heather -



  • LeslieV

    Heather and Road:

    Welcome to the board we are glad you both are here.


  • gumby

    Welcome Heather.

    I have always really liked that name and almost names my daughter that. It's a blond name......correct?

    Anyways just to let you know........I am the smartest, best looking, nicest, sweetist, most lovable person on this board and want to tell you so and save you some time learning it on your own.

    Glad your here.......


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