Julius Ceasar

by Yerusalyim 17 Replies latest social humour

  • Yerusalyim

    Just curious as to who watched the TNT miniseries about my old friend Gaius Julius Ceasar. I was TERRIBLY disappointed in the movie, aside from screwing the pooch on several important historical facts the series failed to capture the sense of the man that history gives, the same being true of Pompey, Brutus, Casius, and where the heck was Crasus? He was only like the wealthy man in Rome, an invaluable asset to Ceasar's rise to power, and part of the First Triumvirate, which was so important in the history of Rome and it's transition from Republic to Empire.

    Some facts missed,

    Sulla devested Ceasar of a particular roman priesthood that if he had remained the flamen dialis would have prevented him from ever having a military career. Sulla did this to dishonor Marius, but it turned out to be a favor to Ceasar.

    Sulla had resigned the dictatorship after two years, and was not in power when he died.

    Sulla never thought Ceasar was killed by Pompey.

    Ceasar actually spent several weeks with the pirates, and they treated him quite well, inspite of his captivity. He immediately came back to their stronghold with a local militia and captured the pirates having all of them crucified on crosses they had to fashion themselves. As a sentiment to their kind treatment of him while in captivity, he had their throats slit before they were crucified.

    Ceasar's military career began shortly after this, first as a tribune, then as a Legate in Spain, he was not the untried military man the movie makes him out to be when he goes to Gaul.

    Most of the walls built around Alysia were earthworks not wooden forts.

    Ceasar never made it to his curiale chair in the Senate Chambers before he was killed, though he did indeed die under the statue of Pompey.

    The Curiale chairs used by the consuls of Rome, as well as the senetorial chairs, had no back, they definately weren't the throne like structure protrayed in the movie. Regardless of which consul held the fasces both consuls would have been present on the dias with the notable exception of Ceasar's first consulship, Bibulus, his co-consul, refused to serve with Ceasar because of an old insult. Years in Ancient Rome were called by the names of the Consuls for that year, such as "In the year of the Consulship of Pompey and Crassus. Jokingly that of Ceasars was called In the year of the consulship of Julius and Ceasar due to Bubulus not taking part.

    Ceasar's first wife's name was Cinnilla, they were wed when they were both children under the orders of Gaius Marius thought the wedding wasn't consumated until they were older.

    OK, I'm done rambling, I was just disappointed. Ohhh, and the Togas SUCKED. The Toga was drapped over the left arm in such a way that it was almost impossible to use the left hand at all or the Toga would slide off.

  • Yerusalyim

    Either this has bored the heck out of ya'll, or we have no historians, or something. Darn, a nice fluff topic and no response. No one even wants to make the connection between ancient Rome and America?

  • Realist


    looks like you are a real Caesar expert!

    we had a Caesar TV miniseries in germany/austria about a year ago....it was boring as hell and very superficial. perhaps it was the same movie.

    connection between ancient Rome and America

    hmmm how about both countries are ruled by a megalomaniac?

  • twolips

    Yeru, I watched it too. I don't know so much about Ceasar's life so I did not see all the holes in the story. But I did enjoy it. I have read some of Cleopatra's story and if I remember right Ceasar had a son named Octavia who came into power . He is the one who came after Anthony and Cleopatra, also killing Ceasar's and Cleaopatra's son. Do I have this right?

  • Yerusalyim

    Actually, Octavius was Julius Ceasar's great nephew. He was only 18 at the time of Ceasar's death, and living abroad (the area of Bosnia I think). He was Ceasar's main heir, though Ceasar left 300 sesterces (small coins, not worth much, but enough that it was appreciated) to every citizen of Rome. Did I say Ceasar was wealthy. He wasn't the only one, Brutus was worth more than twice as much as Ceasar.

    Ceasar's only male child (that we know about) was Ceaseron, his son by Cleopatra. He was murdered by Ocatvius (known to us as Augustus). He an Mark Anthony fought over the Empire until 27 BC when his reign was consolidated. Octavius, not Julius, was the first Emperor of Rome. Julius was "elected" dictator for life. Had Pompey won instead of Ceasar, the history of Rome probably wouldn't have changed all that much.


    The miniseries we saw was 4 hours and had Christopher Walkins and a few other big names to help it along. There was a documentary on Discovery that tried to prove that Ceasar knew he was to be assasinated and let it happen because of his epilepsee. This doesn't make a lot of sense because Ceasar was to leave Rome with 15 legions for Parthia (Jordan/Iraq) 3 days after the assasination. Had he done so...and defeated the Parthians, history would probably be a lot different now...just as if Augustus had pushed Rome's borders to the Ural mountains as some had urged him to do...Rome probably would have lasted another 500 years.

    One other historical fallacy in the movie...the scene where the crown was put on the statue of Ceasar was supposed to represent a festival called the lupricalia in Rome...celebrated in February. Mark Anthony..drunk and naked..reportedly offered to crown Ceasar three times and he refused all three times.

    Some suggest the reason Brutus was involved had more to do with the fact that Ceasar had been "doing" his Mommy. Some have suggested that Brutus was Ceasar's biological son.

  • waiting

    howdy yeru,

    I was going to watch it - though not particularily interested in Romans. Clicked on for about 2 min.........it was worse than the Hallmark westerns where everyone is clean all the time!

    It could have been one of those little romance novels, imho.


  • Realist


    yeah that was the movie! i think it was a german production - thats why it sucked....the germans sure have NO idea how to make an interesting movie!

  • Yerusalyim

    Agreed, the documentary was worse than the mini-series just shown here in the US. SUCKED! Can ya'll tell I think a lot a Julius Caesar?


    If the comparison between Rome and America is that both are ruled by megalomaniacs then another similarity is that the megalos were driven to it be the irrational and petty hatred of the opposition. Caesar was driven to march on Rome by people who wanted to see his ruin even if it meant the ruin of Rome. That too sounds familiar in America.

  • Hamas
    the germans sure have NO idea

    Well at least we can all agree on that wooooohoooooooooooooooo !!!!!!

    A TOAST !!!!!

  • LyinEyes

    Ummmmmm, I was going to watch the mini series because I think Chris North ( Mr. Big, Sex and the City, ladies) but I too was disappointed and bored . I enjoyed the story of Atilla the Hund, that was also on TNT,,,,,I love history , but admit that being brought up JW, I figured I had no use for World History and chose rather to throw spit balls . I realize that I dont have enough years in me to even begin to go back and try to get a good overview,,,,,,,but it is fasinating and I will keep watching the discovery channel and the history channel. I think a dream career would be to be an Egyptologist,,,,,,I think that is the word,,,,,,,there is so much in that history it takes a life time to scratch the surface, very fasinating.

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